
/si looh"sheuh/, n.
1. an ancient city in Iraq, on the Tigris River: capital of the Seleucid empire.
2. an ancient city in Asia Minor, near the mouth of the Orontes River: the port of Antioch.

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  • SELEUCIA — SELEUCIA, name of two cities. (1) City in Gaulanitis, S.E. of Lake Ḥuleh. Seleucia was among the numerous cities and fortresses captured by Alexander Yannai during his campaign in Transjordan. With the outbreak of the war against Rome (66 C.E.),… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Seleucia — For the Syrian seaport of the same name that figures in the travels of Saint Paul, see Seleucia Pieria. Seleucia (Greek: Σελεύκεια) was one of the great cities of the world during Hellenistic and Roman times. It stood in Mesopotamia, on the west… …   Wikipedia

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  • Seleucia —    The sea port of Antioch, near the mouth of the Orontes. Paul and his companions sailed from this port on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:4). This city was built by Seleucus Nicator, the king of Syria. It is said of him that few princes …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Seleucia (disambiguation) — Seleucia was the first capital of the Seleucid Empire, and one of the great cities of antiquity standing in Mesopotamia, on the Tigris River. Seleucia may refer to: *Seleucia (Pamphylia), now at Bucakşeyhler, Antalya Province, Turkey *Seleucia… …   Wikipedia

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