
/see"geuhr/, n. Douay Bible.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Segor — fue una ciudad cananea próxima al mar Muerto, miembro de una confederación cananea con otros cinco estados: Admah, Bala Zoar, Gomorra, Sodoma, y Zeboyim. No se conoce su lugar exacto. Flavio Josefo la identifica con Zoara de Arabia, al extremo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • SEGOR — I. SEGOR Graece Σηγὼρ, dicitur LXX. Interpretibus, 1. Sam. c. 9. v. 1. qui in alio codice Σωά, Hebraeis So dicitur, Vide Soas II. SEGOR urbs parvula, in tribu Iuda, quae sola ex quinque urbibus Pentapoleos, precibus Loth, de incendio servata est …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Segor — /see geuhr/, n. Douay Bible. Zoar …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pentapolis — • The region where stood the five cities of Sodom, Gomorrha, Zoar, Adama and Seboim Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Pentapolis     Pentapolis      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Claude Martin (boxeur) — Fiche d’identité Nom complet Claude Martin Nationalité France Date de naissance 4 décembre 1952 Lieu de naissance Saint Malo Date de décès 30 août 1992 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ASPHALTE — Lac Asphaltide, Sodome.     Mot chaldéen qui signifie une espèce de bitume. Il y en a beaucoup dans le pays qu arrose l Euphrate; nos climats en produisent, mais de fort mauvais. Il y en a en Suisse: on en voulut couvrir le comble de deux… …   Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire

  • Zoara — is a Roman Catholic titular see of Palestina Tertia. It is the ancient Bala or Segor, one of the five cities of the Pentapolis [Gen., xiv, 2, 8] in Genesis in the Tanakh or Old Testament, which escaped the thunder and lightning which destroyed… …   Wikipedia

  • Lot — • Nephew of Abraham Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Lot     Lot     † Catholic Encyclopedia …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Moab, Moabites — • In the Old Testament, the word Moab designates (1) a son of Lot by his elder daughter (Gen., xix, 37); (2) the people of whom this son of Lot is represented as the ancestor (Ex., xv, 15, etc.), and who are also called the Moabites (Gen., xix,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Sodom and Gomorrha — • They were situated in the country about the Jordan (Gen., xiii, 10); their exact location is unknown Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sodom and Gomorrha     Sodom and Gomorrha …   Catholic encyclopedia

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