
seducer, n.seducible, seduceable, adj.seducingly, adv.
/si doohs", -dyoohs"/, v.t., seduced, seducing.
1. to lead astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; corrupt.
2. to persuade or induce to have sexual intercourse.
3. to lead or draw away, as from principles, faith, or allegiance: He was seduced by the prospect of gain.
4. to win over; attract; entice: a supermarket seducing customers with special sales.
[1470-80; < L seducere to lead aside, equiv. to se- SE- + ducere to lead; r. earlier seduise < MF < L, as above]
Syn. 1. beguile, inveigle, decoy, allure, lure, deceive. See tempt.
Ant. 1. repel.

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