
/sed'euh meuhn tay"sheuhn/, n.
the deposition or accumulation of sediment.
[1870-75; SEDIMENT + -ATION]

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In geology, the process of deposition of a solid material from a state of suspension or solution in a fluid (usually air or water).

Broadly defined it also includes deposits from glacial ice and materials collected under the effect of gravity alone, as in talus deposits, or accumulations of rock debris at the base of cliffs.

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      in the geological sciences, process of deposition of a solid material from a state of suspension or solution in a fluid (usually air or water). Broadly defined it also includes deposits from glacial ice and those materials collected under the impetus of gravity alone, as in talus deposits, or accumulations of rock debris at the base of cliffs. The term is commonly used as a synonym for sedimentary petrology and sedimentology.

      The physics of the most common sedimentation process, the settling of solid particles from fluids, has long been known. The settling velocity equation formulated in 1851 by G.G. Stokes is the classic starting point for any discussion of the sedimentation process. Stokes showed that the terminal settling velocity of spheres in a fluid was inversely proportional to the fluid's viscosity and directly proportional to the density difference of fluid and solid, the radius of the spheres involved, and the force of gravity. Stokes' equation is valid, however, only for very small spheres (under 0.04 millimetre [0.0015 inch] in diameter) and hence various modifications of Stokes' law have been proposed for nonspherical particles and particles of larger size.

      No settling velocity equation, however valid, provides a sufficient explanation of even the basic physical properties of natural sediments. The grain size of the clastic elements and their sorting, shape, roundness, fabric, and packing are the results of complex processes related not only to the density and viscosity of the fluid medium but also to the translational velocity of the depositing fluid, the turbulence resulting from this motion, and the roughness of the beds over which it moves. These processes also are related to various mechanical properties of the solid materials propelled, to the duration of sediment transport, and to other little-understood factors.

      Sedimentation is generally considered by geologists in terms of the textures, structures, and fossil content of the deposits laid down in different geographic and geomorphic environments. Great efforts have been made to differentiate between continental, near-shore, marine, and other deposits in the geologic record. The classification of environments and criteria for their recognition is still a subject of lively debate. The analysis and interpretation of ancient deposits has been advanced by the study of modern sedimentation. Oceanographic and limnologic expeditions have shed much light on sedimentation in the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and the Baltic Sea, and in various estuaries, lakes, and fluvial basins in all parts of the world.

      Chemical sedimentation is understood in terms of chemical principles and laws. Although the famous physical chemist J.H. van't Hoff applied the principles of phase equilibria to the problem of crystallizing brines and the origin of salt deposits as early as 1905, little effort was made to apply physical chemistry to the problems of chemical sedimentation. More recently, however, there has been investigation of the role of the redox (mutual reduction and oxidation) potential and pH (acidityalkalinity) in the precipitation of many chemical sediments, and a renewed effort has been made to apply known thermodynamic principles to the origin of anhydrite and gypsum deposits, to the chemistry of dolomite formation, and to the problem of the ironstones and related sediments.

      The geochemist also considers the sedimentation process in terms of the chemical end products. To him sedimentation is like a gigantic chemical analysis in which the primary constituents of the Earth's silicate crust are separated from one another in a manner similar to that achieved in the course of a quantitative analysis of rock material in the laboratory. The results of this chemical fractionation are not always perfect, but by and large the results are remarkably good. Geochemical fractionation, which began in Precambrian time, has resulted in an enormous accumulation of sodium in the sea, calcium and magnesium in the limestones and dolomites, silicon in the bedded cherts and orthoquartzitic sandstones, carbon in the carbonates and carbonaceous deposits, sulfur in the bedded sulfates, iron in the ironstones, and so on. Although magmatic segregation has, in some instances, produced monomineralic rocks such as dunite and pyroxenite, no igneous or metamorphic process can match the sedimentation process in effective isolation and concentration of these and other elements.

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Universalium. 2010.

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