
secretionary /si kree"sheuh ner'ee/, adj.
/si kree"sheuhn/, n.
1. (in a cell or gland) the act or process of separating, elaborating, and releasing a substance that fulfills some function within the organism or undergoes excretion.
2. the product of this act or process.
[1640-50; < L secretion- (s. of secretio), equiv. to secret(us) (ptp. of secernere to SECERN) + -ion- -ION]

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      in biology, production and release of a useful substance by a gland or cell; also, the substance produced. In addition to the enzymes and hormones that facilitate and regulate complex biochemical processes, body tissues also secrete a variety of substances that provide lubrication and moisture. Within an individual cell the Golgi apparatus and its associated secretory granules are thought to be the structures responsible for the production and release of secretory substances.

      Most secretions are internal, but some are both external and obviouse.g., tears and sweat. The gastric glands lining the stomach include four different types of cells that secrete substances necessary to digestion. Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream to be carried to their sites of action.

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  • secretion — ► NOUN 1) a process by which substances are produced and discharged from a cell, gland, or organ for a particular function in the organism or for excretion. 2) a substance discharged in such a way. ORIGIN Latin, separation , from secernere move… …   English terms dictionary

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