
scratchable, adj.scratchably, adv.scratcher, n.scratchless, adj.scratchlike, adj.
/skrach/, v.t.
1. to break, mar, or mark the surface of by rubbing, scraping, or tearing with something sharp or rough: to scratch one's hand on a nail.
2. to dig, scrape, or tear (something) out or off with or as if with the nails, claws, etc.: to scratch the burs off one's coat.
3. to rub or scrape slightly, as with the fingernails, to relieve itching.
4. to rub or draw along a rough, grating surface: to scratch a match on the sidewalk.
5. to erase, cancel, strike out, or eliminate (a name, something written, etc.) by or as if by drawing a line through it (often fol. by out): Scratch out the third name on the list.
6. to withdraw (an entry) from a race or competition.
7. U.S. Politics.
a. to divide (one's vote) though predominantly supporting one political party or faction.
b. to strike out or reject a particular name or names on (a party ticket) in voting.
8. to write or draw by scraping or cutting the lines into a surface: She scratched her initials on the glass.
9. to manipulate (a phonograph record) back and forth under the stylus to produce rhythmic sounds.
10. to use the nails, claws, etc., for tearing, digging, etc.
11. to relieve itching by rubbing or scraping lightly, as with the fingernails.
12. to make a slight grating noise, as a pen.
13. to earn a living or to manage in any respect with great difficulty: We scratched along that year on very little money.
14. to withdraw or be withdrawn from a contest or competition.
15. (in certain card games) to make no score; earn no points.
16. Billiards, Pool. to make a shot that results in a penalty, esp. to pocket the cue ball without hitting the object ball.
17. a slight injury, mar, or mark, usually thin and shallow, caused by scratching: three scratches on my leg; a noticeable scratch on the table.
18. a rough mark made by a pen, pencil, etc.; scrawl.
19. an act of scratching.
20. the slight grating sound caused by scratching.
21. the starting place, starting time, or status of a competitor in a handicap who has no allowance and no penalty.
22. Billiards, Pool.
a. a shot resulting in a penalty, esp. a pocketing of the cue ball without hitting the object ball.
b. a fluke or lucky shot.
23. (in certain card games) a score of zero; nothing.
24. Baseball. See scratch hit.
25. See scratch wig.
26. Slang. money; cash.
27. from scratch,
a. from the very beginning or starting point.
b. from nothing; without resources: After the depression he started another business from scratch.
28. up to scratch, in conformity with a certain standard; adequate; satisfactory: The local symphony orchestra has improved this year, but it is still not up to scratch.
29. used for hasty writing, notes, etc.: scratch paper.
30. without any allowance, penalty, or handicap, as a competitor or contestant.
31. Informal. done by or dependent on chance: a scratch shot.
32. Informal. gathered hastily and indiscriminately: a scratch crew.
33. done or made from scratch: a scratch cake.
[1425-75; late ME scracche (v.), b. ME scratte to scratch, and cracche to scratch; c. MD cratsen]

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