Schottky defect — A Schottky defect is a type of point defect in a crystal lattice named for Walter H. Schottky. The defect forms when oppositely charged ions leave their lattice sites, creating vacancies. These vacancies are formed in stoichiometric units, to… … Wikipedia
schottky defect — ˈshätkē noun Usage: usually capitalized S Etymology: after Walter Schottky b1886 German physicist : a defect in a crystal lattice created by removing an ion from its normal site and placing it on the crystal surface * * * /shot kee/, Crystall. an … Useful english dictionary
Schottky defect — Šotkio defektas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Schottky defect vok. Schottky Defekt, m rus. дефект Шотки, m; дефект Шоттки, m pranc. défaut de Schottky, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Schottky — Notable people named Schottky include:* Ernst Max Schottky, botanist * Walter H. Schottky, physicist * Friedrich Schottky, mathematicianOther links:* Schottky diode and Schottky barrier in electronics and physics * Schottky group in mathematics * … Wikipedia
Schottky, Walter — ▪ German physicist born July 23, 1886, Zürich, Switz. died March 4, 1976, Pretzfeld, W.Ger. German physicist whose research in solid state physics and electronics yielded many devices that now bear his name. Schottky obtained… … Universalium
Schottky anomaly — noun A variation in the heat capacity of a solid at low temperatures which arises from the thermal population of discrete energy levels as the temperature is raised See Also: Schottky barrier, Schottky defect, Schottky diode, Schottky effect,… … Wiktionary
Schottky-Defekt — Šotkio defektas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Schottky defect vok. Schottky Defekt, m rus. дефект Шотки, m; дефект Шоттки, m pranc. défaut de Schottky, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
schottky effect — n. Electronics the increase in thermionic emission from a solid surface due to the presence of an external electric field. Etymology: W. Schottky, Ger. physicist d. 1976 * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized S : the increase of the thermionic… … Useful english dictionary
Schottky noise — Electronics. See shot effect. [see SCHOTTKY DEFECT] * * * … Universalium
schottky barrier — noun Usage: usually capitalized S Etymology: Schottky defect : a potential barrier that exists at a metal semiconductor interface (as in a solid state electronic device) … Useful english dictionary