school voucher

school voucher
a government cash grant or tax credit for parents, equal to all or part of the cost of educating their child at a school of their choice.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • School voucher — A school voucher, also called an education voucher, is a certificate issued by the government by which parents can pay for the education of their children at a school of their choice, rather than the public school (UK state school) to which they… …   Wikipedia

  • school voucher — voucher that allows families to use public funds to pay tuition at private school of their choice rather than enroll their children in a local public school …   English contemporary dictionary

  • school voucher — school′ vouch′er n. edu a government cash grant or tax credit for parents, equal to all or part of the cost of educating their child at a school of their choice • Etymology: 1970–75 …   From formal English to slang

  • school voucher — noun A paper, issued by a government, that a parent can use as payment for his childs tuition at any school …   Wiktionary

  • school voucher — a government cash grant or tax credit for parents, equal to all or part of the cost of educating their child at a school of their choice. [1970 75] …   Useful english dictionary

  • School — A school (from Greek σχολεῖον scholeion ) is an institution designed to allow and encourage students (or pupils ) to learn, under the supervision of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these …   Wikipedia

  • School choice — is a term used to describe a wide array of programs aimed at giving families the opportunity to choose the school their children will attend. As a matter of form, school choice does not give preference to one form of schooling or another, rather… …   Wikipedia

  • voucher — [vou′chər] n. [substantive use of Anglo Fr voucher, to VOUCH] 1. a person who vouches, as for the truth of a statement 2. a paper serving as evidence or proof; specif., a receipt or statement attesting to the expenditure or receipt of money, the… …   English World dictionary

  • voucher plan — or voucher system, U.S. a system for alotting tax revenues in the form of redeemable certificates which a parent can apply as tuition in a private school …   Useful english dictionary

  • School Choice — ist in den USA ein Schulprogramm, welches den Schülern erlaubt, den Unterricht irgendeiner privaten oder öffentlichen Schulen zu besuchen. Die Schüler bzw. ihre Eltern erhalten dafür vom Schuldistrikt einen Gutschein (voucher), einen Steuererlass …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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