
/shnow"zeuhr/; Ger. /shnow"tseuhrdd/, n.
one of a German breed of sturdy medium-sized dogs having a tight, wiry, pepper-and-salt or pure black coat, bristly eyebrows and beardlike whiskers, and a docked tail, used originally as a ratter and a guard dog and later used in police work. Also called standard schnauzer. Cf. giant schnauzer, miniature schnauzer.
[1920-25; < G, equiv. to Schnauze SNOUT + -er -ER1]

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Any of three German dog breeds having a wiry black, salt-and-pepper, or black-and-tan coat.

The standard, 1720 in. (4351 cm) high and weighing 2637 lbs (1217 kg), dates to the 15th century; it has a blunt, heavily whiskered muzzle and a squared body. The miniature, 1214 in. (3036 cm) high and weighing 1315 lbs (67 kg), was developed in the 19th century from standard schnauzers and affenpinschers. The giant schnauzer, a cross between the standard and various working dogs, stands 2126 in. (5366 cm) and weighs 6677 lbs (3035 kg).

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      any of three breeds of dogs (dog)—the standard, miniature, and giant schnauzersdeveloped in Germany and named for their distinctivemustache.” The standard, or medium-sized, schnauzer is the stock from which the other two breeds were derived. It is shown in paintings and in a statue dating from the 15th and 16th centuries. Originally a guard dog and ratter, it was highly valued for its intelligence and courage. A robust dog, it is characterized by a blunt, heavily whiskered muzzle, a squared body, and a hard, wiry coat of black or salt-and-pepper. The standard schnauzer is most popular as a guard and companion; it has been used as a dispatch carrier, Red Cross dog, and police dog. It stands 17 to 20 inches (43 to 51 cm) high.

 The miniature schnauzer, developed from small standard schnauzers and affenpinschers (affenpinscher), was first shown as a distinct breed in 1899. It resembles the standard schnauzer but stands 12 to 14 inches (30.5 to 35.5 cm) high. Its coat is salt-and-pepper, silver and black, or black. Compact and strong, it is valued as an active, hardy pet.

      The giant schnauzer, largest and most recent of the three breeds, was developed by Bavarian cattlemen who wanted a cattle dog like the standard schnauzer but larger. To produce such a dog, the standard schnauzer was crossed with various working dogs and, later, with the black Great Dane. The giant schnauzer, like the others, is a robust dog with a wiry coat. It stands 23.5 to 27.5 inches (60 to 70 cm) high and is salt-and-pepper, black, or black-and-tan in colour. Originally a cattle dog, it was later used as a butcher's dog and a brewery guard. Since the beginning of the 19th century, it has been used extensively in German police work.

      The standard and giant schnauzers are placed in the working-dog group of the American Kennel Club; the miniature is classed as a terrier.

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