- schizophrenogenic
/skit'seuh free'neuh jen"ik, -fren'-/, adj.causative of schizophrenia.[1945-50; SCHIZOPHREN(IA) + -O- + -GENIC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
schizophrenogenic — schiz·o·phreno·gen·ic .skit sə .fren ə jen ik adj tending to produce schizophrenia <schizophrenogenic factors> … Medical dictionary
schizophrenogenic — adjective Of, or relating to, schizophrenogenesis … Wiktionary
schizophrenogenic — schiz·o·phreno·gen·ic … English syllables
schizophrenogenic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|frēnə|jenik, ren adjective Etymology: schizophrenia + o + genic : causative of or tending to produce schizophrenia … Useful english dictionary
Theodore Lidz — (1 April 1910 –16 February 2001) [Social Security Death Index [http://ssdi.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi bin/ssdi.cgi] ] was an American psychiatrist best known for his articles and books on the causes of schizophrenia and on psychotherapy with… … Wikipedia
Anti-psychiatry — See also: Biopsychiatry controversy Anti psychiatry refers to a post 1960s configuration of groups and theoretical constructs hostile to most of the fundamental assumptions and practices of psychiatry. Its igniting influences were Michel Foucault … Wikipedia
List of psychology topics — This page aims to list all topics related to psychology. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related changes in the sidebar. It is also to see the gaps in Wikipedia s coverage of the… … Wikipedia
Trauma model of mental disorders — Trauma models of mental disorder (alternatively called trauma models of psychopathology) emphasise the effects of psychological trauma, particularly in early development, as the key causal factor in the development of some or many psychiatric… … Wikipedia
Interpretation of Schizophrenia — (first edition, 1955) is a book written by psychiatrist Silvano Arieti that won the 1975 scientific National Book Award in the United States. Interpretation of Schizophrenia sets forth demonstrative evidence of a psychological etiology for… … Wikipedia
History of anti-psychiatry — Anti psychiatry is a movement and a diverse set of theories and practices, that challenges and stands in contrast to the fundamental theories and practices of psychiatry. Psychiatry is the field of medicine concerned with diagnosing, treating and … Wikipedia