
/skaf"oyd/, adj.
1. boat-shaped; navicular.
2. Anat. a navicular.
[1735-45; < NL scaphoides < Gk skaphoeidés like a boat. See SCAPH-, -OID]

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  • Scaphoid — Scaph oid (?; 277), a. [Gr. ska fh a boat + oid: cf. F. scapho[ i]de.] (Anat.) Resembling a boat in form; boat shaped. n. The scaphoid bone. [1913 Webster] {Scaphoid bone} (a) One of the carpal bones, which articulates with the radius; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scaphoid — (adj.) 1741, from Mod.L. scaphoides boat shaped, from Gk. skaphoeides, from skaphe boat (see BATHYSCAPHE (Cf. bathyscaphe)) + oeides (see OID (Cf. oid)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • scaphoid — Navicular Na*vic u*lar, a. [L. navicularius, fr. navicula, dim. of navis ship: cf. F. naviculaire.] 1. Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a boat or ship. [1913 Webster] 2. Shaped like a boat; cymbiform; scaphoid; as, the navicular glumes of most… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scaphoid — Boat shaped; hollowed. See s. (bone). [scapho + G. eidos, resemblance] * * * scaph·oid skaf .ȯid adj 1) shaped like a boat: NAVICULAR 2) characterized by concavity <the abdomen was soft and scaphoid without tenderness (Nancy M. Heiss )(et… …   Medical dictionary

  • scaphoid — noun Etymology: New Latin scaphoides, from Greek skaphoeidēs, from skaphos boat Date: 1831 1. navicular a 2. the bone of the thumb side of the carpus that is the largest in the proximal row; also the navicular bone of the tarsus • scaphoid… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • scaphoid — 1. adjective Shaped like a boat, navicular. 2. noun Carpal navicular bone. Syn: scaphoid bone, os scaphoideum …   Wiktionary

  • Scaphoid bone — Scaphoid Scaph oid (?; 277), a. [Gr. ska fh a boat + oid: cf. F. scapho[ i]de.] (Anat.) Resembling a boat in form; boat shaped. n. The scaphoid bone. [1913 Webster] {Scaphoid bone} (a) One of the carpal bones, which articulates with the radius;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scaphoid bone — n SCAPHOID * * * a boat shaped bone of the wrist (see carpus). It articulates with the trapezium and trapezoid bones in front, with the radius behind, and with the capitate and lunate medially. It is commonly injured by falls on the wrist. * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • scaphoid fossa — n a shallow oval depression that is situated above the pterygoid fossa on the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and that provides attachment for the origin of the tensor veli palatini muscle * * * 1. f. scaphoidea ossis sphenoidalis. 2.… …   Medical dictionary

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