
/skaf"euhld, -ohld/, n.
1. a temporary structure for holding workers and materials during the erection, repair, or decoration of a building.
2. an elevated platform on which a criminal is executed, usually by hanging.
3. a raised platform or stage for exhibiting spectacles, seating spectators, etc.
4. any raised framework.
5. a suspended platform that is used by painters, window washers, and others for working on a tall structure, as a skyscraper.
6. Metall. any piling or fusion of materials in a blast furnace, obstructing the flow of gases and preventing the uniform descent of the charge.
7. a system of raised frameworks; scaffolding.
8. to furnish with a scaffold or scaffolding.
9. to support by or place on a scaffold.
[1300-50; ME scaffot, skaffaut, scaffalde < OF escadafaut; akin to CATAFALQUE]

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Temporary platform used to elevate and support workers and materials during work on a structure or machine.

It consists of one or more wooden planks and is supported by either a timber or a tubular steel or aluminum frame; bamboo is used in parts of Asia. Scaffolding may be raised and lowered by means of cables controlled by a ratchet or electric motor.

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      in building construction, temporary platform used to elevate and support workers and materials during the construction, repair, or cleaning of a structure or machine; it consists of one or more planks of convenient size and length, with various methods of support, depending on the form and use.

      In timber scaffolding, support for the planks is provided by a timber frame fabricated and erected at the site. The frame may consist of vertical posts, horizontal longitudinal members, called ledgers, transverse members supported by the ledgers, and longitudinal and transverse cross-bracing. The planks rest on the transverse members.

      Trestle supports are used for work on a large area if little or no adjustment of height is required (e.g., for plastering the ceiling of a room). The trestles may be of special design or simply wooden sawhorses of the type used by carpenters. Specially designed trestles may be adjusted to provide for working heights of from 7 to 18 feet (2 to 5 m).

      Tubular scaffolding of steel or aluminum has largely replaced timber scaffolding on most construction projects. Tubular scaffolding can easily be erected in any shape, length, or height. Sections may be mounted on casters to provide a highly mobile staging. The scaffolding may be enclosed with canvas or plastic sheeting for protection against the weather.

      Tubular hoisting towers may be quickly assembled from steel tubes or pipes about 3 inches (8 cm) in diameter with standard connections.

      A suspended scaffold consists of two horizontal putlogs, short timbers that support the flooring of the scaffold, each attached to a drum mechanism. Cables extend from each drum to an outrigger beam attached overhead to the structure frame. Ratchet devices on the drums provide for raising or lowering the putlogs between which spanning planks form the working surface. Power scaffolding may be raised or lowered by means of an electric motor operated by the worker on the scaffold.

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