
/sah shee"mee/; Japn. /sah"shee mee'/, n. Japanese Cookery.
raw fish cut into very thin slices. Cf. sushi.
[1875-80; < Japn sashi stabbing + mi(y) body ( < *mui)]

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      specialty of Japanese cuisine, fresh fish served raw. The fish, which must be utterly fresh, is sliced paper thin or alternately one-quarter to one-half inch (0.751.5 centimetres) thick, cubed, or cut in strips, according to the nature of the fish. The sashimi is accompanied by wasabi (green horseradish paste) and soy sauce. Sashimi is always part of a formal Japanese meal, served early while the palate is still clear in order for its nuances to be appreciated.

      The most popular fish used are ocean fish: tuna, yellowtail, mackerel, sea bream, and flounder. Freshwater fish such as perch and carp are also eaten raw, as are shrimps, clams, lobster, and abalone. Sake is traditionally drunk with sashimi.

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