
/sahr dah"neuh/; Sp. /sahrdd dhah"nah/, n., pl. sardanas /-neuhz/; Sp. /-nahs/.
1. a dance of the region of Catalonia, Spain, in which the dancers form a moving circle.
2. the music for this dance.
[1920-25; < Sp < Catalan]

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      communal dance intimately bound up with Catalan national consciousness. It is danced by men and women who join hands alternately in a closed circle. As they dance to the music of tenores and tabales (shawms and small drums), their faces remain solemn and dignified. The basic pattern of the sardana is a series of long (llarg) and short (curt) steps; the precise combination is determined by the leader, who signals the steps with a hand squeeze that is passed around the circle. The music is first slow, then rapid. The sardana developed in the 19th century from the contrapás, a similar dance with a broken circle.

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