- Saragat
/sah'rddah gaht"/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
SARAGAT (G.) — SARAGAT GIUSEPPE (1898 1988) Diplômé en sciences économiques et commerciales de l’université de Turin, Giuseppe Saragat adhère en 1922 à la section locale du Parti socialiste italien (P.S.I.). Collaborant à la Rivoluzione liberale , magazine… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Saragat — Saragat, Giuseppe, italienischer Politiker, * Turin 19. 9. 1898, ✝ Rom 11. 6. 1988; ab 1925 führendes Mitglied des Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI), 1926 43 in der Emigration. 1946 war er Präsident der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung, 1947 50… … Universal-Lexikon
Saragat — Saragat, Giuseppe … Enciclopedia Universal
Saragat — Giuseppe Sàragat (* 19. September 1898 in Turin; † 11. Juni 1988 in Rom) war ein bedeutender italienischer Politiker. Giuseppe Sàragat (rechts) 1979 Saragat war Sohn einer aus Spanien stammenden sardischen Familie. Sein Vater wur … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saragat, Giuseppe — (1898–1988) Born and educated in Turin, Saragat served in World War I as an enlisted man (although a university graduate), becoming an officer in the artillery by battlefield promotion. In 1922 he joined the Partito Socialista Italiano/Italian … Historical Dictionary of modern Italy
Saragat, Giuseppe — ▪ president of Italy born Sept. 12, 1898, Turin, Italy died June 11, 1988, Rome statesman and founder of the Socialist Party of Italian Workers (PSLI), who held many ministerial posts from 1944 to 1964, when he became president of the… … Universalium
Saragat — /sah rddah gaht /, n. Giuseppe /jooh zep pe/, born 1898, Italian statesman: president 1964 71 … Useful english dictionary
САРАГÁТ (Saragat) Джузеппе — (Saragat) Джузеппе (1898–1988), президент Италии в 1964–71. Неоднократно (с 1944) министр. В 1947–49 и 1954–57 зам. премьер министра. Один из лидеров итал. социалистич. движения. В 1947–63 (с перерывами) полит. секр. Итал … Биографический словарь
Saragat, Giuseppe — ► (1898 1988) Político italiano. En 1948 fundó el Partido Socialista Anticomunista, que pasó luego a ser el Partido Socialista Democrático. Ocupó diversas carteras ministeriales. Fue presidente de la República en dos ocasiones (1964 71 y 1975) … Enciclopedia Universal
Giuseppe Saragat — 5th President of Italy In office 29 December 1964 – 29 December 1971 Prime Minister Aldo Moro Giovanni Leone Mariano Rumor … Wikipedia