
/sahn'tahn derdd"/, n.
1. Francisco de Paula /frddahn sees"kaw dhe pow"lah/, 1792-1840, South American soldier and statesman: president of New Granada 1832-37.
2. a seaport in N Spain: Altamira prehistoric cave drawings nearby. 149,704.

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Port city (pop., 2001: 180,717), capital of the autonomous community (comunidad autónoma) of Cantabria, northern Spain.

A major seaport and summer resort, it is situated on the southern shore of Cape Mayor, a rocky peninsula extending east and sheltering Santander Bay, an inlet of the Bay of Biscay. The city was rebuilt after a disastrous fire in 1941. In addition to tourism, the economy is based on fishing, iron refining, and shipbuilding. The caves of Altamira and Castillo are nearby.

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      port city, capital of Cantabria provincia (province) and comunidad autónoma (autonomous community), northern Spain. It is situated on the narrow coastline along the southern shore of Cape Mayor, a rocky peninsula extending eastward and sheltering Santander Bay (an inlet of the Bay of Biscay). The city's excellent harbour was possibly the site of the Roman colony of Portus Victoriae. The centre of the lower town was rebuilt after it was destroyed by fire spread by a windstorm in 1941. Notable surviving buildings include the Magdalena Palace, presented by the town to King Alfonso XIII; a Gothic cathedral; the library of the contemporary writer and historian Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo; and the provincial museum, with a large collection of prehistoric artifacts from the locality. Santander has a summer university and is an episcopal see. The University of Santander was founded in 1972. The city hosts a month-long arts festival each summer.

      The economy is based on tourism, fishing, heavy industry, and activities connected with the port (shipbuilding). Manufacturing includes iron refining, steelmaking, and agriculture, especially cattle raising. Large warehouses make up the bay's industrial landscape. Santander's other major industries are finance, public administration, and health and education services. Pop. (2006 est.) 145,928.

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Universalium. 2010.

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