San Francisco Peaks

San Francisco Peaks
a mountain mass in N Arizona: highest point in the state, Humphrey's Peak, 12,611 ft. (3845 m). Also called San Francisco Mountain.

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mountains, Arizona, United States
      three summitsHumphreys (Humphreys Peak), Agassiz, and Fremont peakson the rim of an eroded extinct volcano 10 miles (16 km) north of Flagstaff on the Colorado Plateau in north-central Arizona, U.S. Humphreys Peak (12,633 feet [3,851 metres]) is the state's highest point, and from it places more than 150 miles (240 km) distant have been seen.

      The San Francisco Peaks, known by various Indian language names, are sacred to the Navajo, Hopi, and Havasupai (a Yuman group). In the 17th century, members of the Spanish mission at Oraibi named the summits after the founder of their order, St. Francis of Assisi (Francis of Assisi, Saint). The snow-covered peaks, within the Coconino National Forest, support lumbering and tourism based on skiing, hiking, and other recreational activities.

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