Salvation Army

Salvation Army
1. an international Christian organization founded in England in 1865 by William Booth, organized along quasi-military lines and devoted chiefly to evangelism and to providing social services, esp. to the poor.
2. a retail store operated by the Salvation Army selling donated clothing, furniture, books, etc., at low prices: This sofa was a bargain at the Salvation Army.

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International Christian charitable movement.

It was founded in 1865 by William Booth, with the aim of feeding and housing the poor of London. He adopted the name Salvation Army in 1878 and established the organization on a military pattern. Members are called soldiers, and officers earn ranks that range from lieutenant to brigadier. Converts are required to sign Articles of War and to volunteer their services. Doctrines are similar to those of other evangelical Protestant denominations, though Booth saw no need for sacraments. The meetings are characterized by singing and hand clapping, instrumental music, personal testimony, free prayer, and an open invitation to repentance. Headquartered in London, the Salvation Army now provides a wide variety of social services in more than 100 countries.

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▪ religious organization
      international Christian religious and charitable movement organized and operated on a military pattern. The Army is established in more than 80 countries, preaching the gospel in about 112 languages in 16,000 evangelical centres and operating more than 3,000 social welfare institutions, hospitals, schools, and agencies. Its international headquarters are in London.

      The Salvation Army was founded by William Booth (Booth, William), a Methodist minister who began an evangelical ministry in the East End of London in 1865. He established mission stations to feed and house the poor and in 1878 changed the name of his organization to the Salvation Army. He and his son, William Bramwell Booth, gradually established the Army on a military pattern, with the elder Booth as general for life. It spread quickly over Britain and then expanded internationally.

      Two schisms shook the Army in its early years. In 1884 the U.S. organization sought to establish its independence of General Booth. Upon being expelled, its leaders set up the American Salvation Army, which soon declined. In 1896 Ballington Booth, another son of the general and national commander in the United States, resigned after a dispute and set up the Volunteers of America. The Volunteers endured and is a national organization with headquarters in New York City.

      The basic unit of the Army is the corps, commanded by an officer of a rank ranging from lieutenant to brigadier, who is responsible to a divisional headquarters. Divisions are grouped into territories (usually a territory is a country, except in the United States, where there are four territories).

      Converts who desire to become soldiers in the Army are required to sign Articles of War and volunteer their services. The officers are the equivalent of ministers of other Protestant churches. Training for each officer consists of a two-year residence at one of the schools, followed by a five-year plan of advanced studies. Women have absolute equality with men.

      The doctrines of the Army include the basic principles common to most Protestant evangelical denominations. William Booth believed that the sacraments were not necessary to the salvation of the soul. He sought to bring into his worship services an informal atmosphere that would put new converts at their ease. Joyous singing, instrumental music, clapping of hands, personal testimony, free prayer, and an open invitation to repentance characterize the services.

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