
/sal"ep/, n.
a starchy, demulcent drug or foodstuff consisting of the dried tubers of certain orchids.
[1730-40; < Turk salep < dial. Ar sahlab, perh. shortened var. of Ar khusa al-tha'lab fox's testicles; cf. SALOOP]

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  • salep — salep …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Salep — ( tr. salep sahlep) from ar. سحلب saḥlab) referring to both orchid as well as the salep drink. It is a flour made from grinding the dried tubers of Orchis mascula , Orchis militaris and related species of orchids, which contain a nutritious… …   Wikipedia

  • salep — [ salɛp ] n. m. • 1740; ar. sahlap ♦ Pharm. Fécule extraite des tubercules desséchés de l orchis, utilisée comme aliment ou comme excipient. ● salep nom masculin (arabe sāḥlāb) Substance alimentaire tirée des tubercules desséchés de certaines… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • salep — SALÉP, salepuri, s.n. 1. Nume dat tuberculilor uscaţi ai unor specii de orhidee; p. ext. praf de amidon extras din aceşti tuberculi şi care, fiert în lapte sau în apă, se foloseşte ca întăritor pentru copii sau convalescenţi. 2. Băutură preparată …   Dicționar Român

  • Salep — Sal ep (s[a^]l [e^]p), n. [Ar. sahleb, perhaps a corruption of an Arabic word for fox, one Ar. name of the orchis signifying literally, fox s testicles: cf. F. salep.] [Written also {saleb}, {salop}, and {saloop}.] The dried tubers of various… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • salep — 1736 (also saloop, 1712) a starch or jelly made from dried tubers of orchid like plants, formerly used as a drug, from Turk. salep, from dialectal pronunciation of Arabic thaeleb, which usually is taken to be a shortening of khasyu th thaeleb,… …   Etymology dictionary

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