- sailfish
/sayl"fish'/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) sailfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) sailfishes.1. a large tropical and subtropical marine fish, Istiophorus platypterus, of the family Istiophoridae, distinguished by a long, high dorsal fin, long pelvic fins, and a double keel on each side of the tail.2. any of several related fishes having a high dorsal fin.[1585-95; SAIL + FISH]
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Valued food and game fish in the genus Istiophorus (family Istiophoridae) of warm and temperate waters worldwide.It has a long, rounded spear extending from its snout but is distinguished from marlins and related species by its slimmer form, long pelvic fins, and especially its large, sail-like dorsal fin, which is bright blue and spotted. Deep blue above and silvery below, they grow to about 11 ft (3.4 m) long and 200 lbs (90 kg) or more. They feed mainly on other fishes. Its classification is uncertain, and one (I. platypterus) to several species may be recognized.Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus)D. CorsonShostal* * *
▪ fish(genus Istiophorus), valued food and game fish of the family Istiophoridae (order Perciformes) found in warm and temperate waters around the world. The sailfish has a long, rounded spear extending from its snout but is distinguished from related species, such as marlins, by its slimmer form, long pelvic fins, and, most especially, its large, saillike dorsal fin. It is a deep blue fish, silvery below, with a bright blue, spotted dorsal fin. Size ranges to about 3.4 m (11 feet) and 90 kg (200 pounds) or more. It feeds mainly on other fishes. The classification of the sailfish is uncertain, and one (I. platypterus) or two species may be recognized.* * *
Universalium. 2010.