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glimpser — noun see glimpse I … New Collegiate Dictionary
glimpser — n. one who glimpses, one who momentarily catches sight of … English contemporary dictionary
glimpser — glimps·er … English syllables
glimpser — noun see glimpse I … Useful english dictionary
glimpse — glimpser, n. /glimps/, n., v., glimpsed, glimpsing. n. 1. a very brief, passing look, sight, or view. 2. a momentary or slight appearance. 3. a vague idea; inkling. 4. Archaic. a gleam, as of light. v.t. 5. to catch or take a glimpse of. v.i. 6.… … Universalium
glimpse — I. verb (glimpsed; glimpsing) Etymology: Middle English glimsen; akin to Middle High German glimsen to glimmer, Old English glǣm gleam Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. archaic glimmer 2. to look briefly … New Collegiate Dictionary
glimpse — /glɪmps / (say glimps) noun 1. a momentary sight or view. 2. a momentary or slight appearance. 3. a vague idea; inkling. 4. Obsolete a gleam, as of light. –verb (glimpsed, glimpsing) –verb (t) 5. to catch a glimpse of. –verb (i) 6. Obsolete …