
/sah'beuh del"/; Sp. /sah'vah dhel"/, n.
a city in NE Spain, N of Barcelona. 159,408.

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      city, Barcelona provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Catalonia, northeastern Spain. The city, just north of Barcelona, originated as an Iberian and Roman settlement known as Arragona and became a medieval fief of the Castle of Arahona. Called Sabadell in the 12th century, in 1373 it was incorporated as a royal village (with municipal rights) in the kingdom of Aragon. Sabadell's architecture is essentially modern; most of its older churches and buildings were destroyed during riots in 1835 and 1909. It was elevated to city status in the 19th century, largely because of its importance as a textile centre, which was increased by the introduction of motor-driven mills. Modern-day industries include metallurgy, chemicals, electrical goods, and leather products. The service sector has grown in importance. Pop. (2007 est.) mun., 201,712.

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Universalium. 2010.

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