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Rutaceous — Ru*ta ceous, a. [L. rutaceous, from ruta rue. See {Rue} the plant.] (Bot.) Of or pertaining to plants of a natural order ({Rutace[ae]}) of which the rue is the type, and which includes also the orange, lemon, dittany, and buchu. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rutaceous — ru·ta·ceous … English syllables
rutaceous — /ruˈteɪʃəs/ (say rooh tayshuhs) adjective 1. of or like the plant rue. 2. belonging to the Rutaceae, a family of plants including the boronia, orange, lemon, cumquat, etc., having pellucid dotted leaves. {Latin rūtāceus} …
rutaceous — adjective see rutaceae … Useful english dictionary
Papilio polymnestor — Taxobox name = Blue Mormon image width = 250px caption = Blue Mormon feeding on nectar regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Papilionidae genus = Papilio species = P. polymnestor binomial = Papilio… … Wikipedia
AEgle marmelos — Bel Bel (b[e^]l), n. [Hind., fr. Skr. bilva.] A thorny rutaceous tree ({[AE]gle marmelos}) of India, and its aromatic, orange like fruit; called also {Bengal quince}, {golden apple}, {wood apple}. The fruit is used medicinally, and the rind… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bel — (b[e^]l), n. [Hind., fr. Skr. bilva.] A thorny rutaceous tree ({[AE]gle marmelos}) of India, and its aromatic, orange like fruit; called also {Bengal quince}, {golden apple}, {wood apple}. The fruit is used medicinally, and the rind yields a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bengal quince — Bel Bel (b[e^]l), n. [Hind., fr. Skr. bilva.] A thorny rutaceous tree ({[AE]gle marmelos}) of India, and its aromatic, orange like fruit; called also {Bengal quince}, {golden apple}, {wood apple}. The fruit is used medicinally, and the rind… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
capric acid — Rutic Ru tic (r[udd] t[i^]k), a. [Cf. {Rutaceous}.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, rue ({Ruta}); as, rutic acid, now commonly called {capric acid}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
golden apple — Bel Bel (b[e^]l), n. [Hind., fr. Skr. bilva.] A thorny rutaceous tree ({[AE]gle marmelos}) of India, and its aromatic, orange like fruit; called also {Bengal quince}, {golden apple}, {wood apple}. The fruit is used medicinally, and the rind… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English