rural sociology

rural sociology
the sociological study of life in rural areas and the effects of ruralization.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Rural sociology — is a field of sociology associated with the study of social life in non metropolitan areas. It is the scientific study of social arrangements and behaviour amongst people distanced from points of concentrated population or economic activity. Like …   Wikipedia

  • rural sociology — has been powerfully influenced by anti urbanism , producing a stereotypical view of rural society as stable and harmonious. The claim that certain social characteristics were typical of villages rather than towns was made by Ferdinand Tönnies in… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • rural sociology — noun : a branch of sociology dealing with the study of rural communities and the rural way of life compare urban sociology * * * the sociological study of life in rural areas and the effects of ruralization …   Useful english dictionary

  • European Society for Rural Sociology — The European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) [] was founded in 1957.Today, ESRS is the leading European association for scientists involved in the study ofagriculture and fisheries, food production and consumption,… …   Wikipedia

  • Rural exodus — (or rural flight) is a term used to describe the migratory patterns that normally occur in a region following the mechanisation of agriculture. In such a situation, there tends to be a movement of peoples from rural areas into urban areas. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Sociology — For the journal, see Sociology (journal). Sociology …   Wikipedia

  • sociology — sociologist, n. /soh see ol euh jee, soh shee /, n. the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc. [1835 45; < F… …   Universalium

  • sociology — It has been argued that the very origins of the word ‘sociology’, from the latin socius (companion) and the Greek ology (study of), indicate its nature as a hybrid discipline that can never aspire to the status of a social science or a coherent… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • SOCIOLOGY — as a field of intellectual endeavor is much older than sociology as an academic discipline. Modern sociology can be traced to the Scottish moralists such as Adam Ferguson, David Hume, Adam Smith, and possibly to Thomas Hobbes. The word sociology… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Sociology in China — Sociology …   Wikipedia

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