- Runyon
/run"yeuhn/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Runyon — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Jennifer Runyon (* 1960), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Marvin T. Runyon (1924–2004), US amerikanischer Manager und Politiker Theodore Runyon (1822–1896), US amerikanischer Armeeoffizier, Diplomat und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Runyon — [ rʌnjən], Alfred Damon, amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Journalist, * Manhattan (Kansas) 4. 10. 1884, ✝ New York 10. 12. 1946; war einer der erfolgreichsten Reporter seiner Zeit. Seine zahlreichen Erzählungen stellen das New Yorker… … Universal-Lexikon
Runyon — [run′yən] (Alfred) Damon [dā′mən] 1884 1946; U.S. journalist & short story writer: famous for humorous, slangy accounts of colorful urban characters Runyonesque adj … English World dictionary
Runyon — The following people have the family name Runyon:*Damon Runyon, author of the short story that became Guys and Dolls *Jennifer Runyon, American actress *Marvin T. Runyon, American business executive *Roy Runyon, City councilman of Bremerton,… … Wikipedia
Runyon — noun United States writer of humorous stylized stories about Broadway and the New York underground (1884 1946) • Syn: ↑Damon Runyon, ↑Alfred Damon Runyon • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author … Useful english dictionary
Runyon Canyon Park — is a convert|160|acre|km2|sing=on park in Los Angeles, California at the eastern end of the Santa Monica Mountains, managed by the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. [ [http://www.laparks.org/ City of Los Angeles Department of… … Wikipedia
Runyon, Florida — Runyon is a very small housing area with rental apartments (Austin Management,Inc).Runyon was previously owned by U.S. Sugar. The actual name is Runyon Village. It is located approximately a half mile north of Hooker highway, diagonally adjacent… … Wikipedia
Runyon Ave. Records — is an American hip hop record label under Interscope Records. It was created by D12 members Kon Artis and Kuniva. They named the record label named after the street on which lived, Runyon Avenue in their home city, Detroit, Michigan. Current… … Wikipedia
Runyon Heights, Yonkers, New York — Runyon Heights is a historically African American middle class neighborhood in Yonkers, New York … Wikipedia
Runyon v. McCrary — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants = Runyon v. McCrary ArgueDate = April 26 ArgueYear = 1976 DecideDate = June 25 DecideYear = 1976 FullName = Runyon, et ux., dba Bobbe s School v. McCrary, et al. USVol = 427 USPage = 160 Citation = Prior = Subsequent … Wikipedia
Runyon, Damon — ▪ American author in full Alfred Damon Runyon born Oct. 4, 1884, Manhattan, Kan., U.S. died Dec. 10, 1946, New York, N.Y. American journalist and short story writer, best known for his book Guys and Dolls, written in the regional slang… … Universalium