
/rum"beuh, room"-, roohm"-/, n., pl. rumbas /-beuhz/, v., rumbaed /-beuhd/, rumbaing /-beuh ing/.
1. a dance, Cuban in origin and complex in rhythm.
2. an imitation or adaptation of this dance in the U.S.
3. music for this dance or in its rhythm.
4. to dance the rumba.
Also, rhumba.
[1920-25; < AmerSp]

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also spelled  rhumba 

      ballroom dance of Afro-Cuban folk-dance origin that became internationally popular in the early 20th century. Best known for the dancers' subtle side to side hip movements with the torso erect, the rumba is danced with a basic pattern of two quick side steps and a slow forward step. Three steps are executed to each bar. The music, in 4/4 time, has an insistent syncopation.

      The ballroom version is based on the Cuban son, itself a less vigorous form of the uninhibited Cuban rumba danced in taverns and similar places. The word rumba occasionally refers generically to other Cuban dances with similar rhythms.

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Universalium. 2010.

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