
/rownd"hed'/, n. Eng. Hist.
a member or adherent of the Parliamentarians or Puritan party during the civil wars of the 17th century (so called in derision by the Cavaliers because they wore their hair cut short).
[1635-45; ROUND1 + HEAD]

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English history
      adherent of the Parliamentary Party during the English Civil War (164251) and after. Many Puritans wore their hair closely cropped in obvious contrast to the long ringlets fashionable at the court of Charles I. Roundhead appears to have been first used as a term of derision toward the end of 1641, when debates in Parliament on the Bishops' Exclusion Bill were causing riots at Westminster. John Rushworth, in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State (16801701), claims that the word was first used on Dec. 27, 1641, by a disbanded army officer, David Hide, who, during a riot, brandished his sword threatening tocut the Throat of those Roundheaded Dogs that bawled against Bishops.” But Richard Baxter (Reliquiae Baxterianae, 1696) ascribes the origin of the term to a remark made by Queen Henrietta Maria at the trial (MarchApril 1641) of Thomas Wentworth, 1st earl of Strafford; referring to the parliamentary leader John Pym, she asked who the roundheaded man was.

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  • Roundhead — adherent of Parliamentary party in the English Civil War, 1641, so called for their custom of wearing the hair close cropped, in contrast to the flowing curls of the cavaliers …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Roundhead — [round′hed΄] n. a member or supporter of the Parliamentary, or Puritan, party in England during the English civil war (1642 52): originally a derisive term, with reference to the Puritans close cropped hair in contrast to the Cavaliers long hair …   English World dictionary

  • Roundhead — This article is about the Parliamentarians during the English Civil War. For other uses, see Roundhead (disambiguation). A Roundhead by John Pettie Roundhead was the nickname given to the supporters of the Parliament during the English Civil War …   Wikipedia

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