- rosemaling
/roh"zeuh mah'ling/, n.decorative work of Norwegian folk origin consisting of painted or carved floral designs, as on furniture or woodwork.[1940-45; < Norw, equiv. to rose ROSE + maling painting]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Rosemaling — (Norwegian rose painting ) is the name of a form of decorative flower painting that originated in the low land areas of eastern Norway around 1750, when Baroque, Rengeny and Rococo, artistic styles of the upper class, were introduced into Norway… … Wikipedia
rosemaling — noun Etymology: Norwegian, from rose rose + maling painting Date: 1942 painted or sometimes carved decoration (as on furniture, walls, or wooden dinnerware) in Scandinavian peasant style that consists especially of floral designs and inscriptions … New Collegiate Dictionary
rosemaling — noun A Norwegian style of stylized floral decoration with scrollwork and geometric elements … Wiktionary
rosemaling — [ rəʊsəˌmα:lɪŋ, ˌmɔ:lɪŋ, zə ] noun chiefly N. Amer. the art of painting wooden furniture and objects with flower motifs. Derivatives rosemaled adjective Origin 1940s: from Norw., lit. rose painting … English new terms dictionary
rosemaling — ro·se·ma·ling … English syllables
rosemaling — ro•se•ma•ling [[t]ˈroʊ zəˌmɑ lɪŋ[/t]] n. fur fia decorative work of Norwegian folk origin consisting of painted or carved floral designs, as on furniture or woodwork • Etymology: 1940–45; < Norw, =rose rose I+maling painting … From formal English to slang
rosemaling — n. the art of painting wooden furniture etc. with flower motifs. Etymology: Norw., = rose painting … Useful english dictionary
Per Lysne — (1880 1947) was famous for bringing the traditional Norwegian folk art of Rosemaling to the United States. [ [http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/dictionary/index.asp?action=view term id=14589 keyword=GAS Lysne, Per 1880 1947 ] ] Lysne immigrated to… … Wikipedia
Nationality Rooms — Coordinates: 40°26′40″N 79°57′12″W / 40.444426°N 79.953423°W / 40.444426; 79.953423 … Wikipedia
Iglesia de madera de Uvdal — La iglesia de madera de Uvdal en 2008. La iglesia de madera de Uvdal es una stavkirke de finales del siglo XII en Uvdal, Noruega. Funciona como museo. Es una stavkirke Tipo A, con un poste o mástil central en la nave. Conserva parte de la… … Wikipedia Español