
/ron"seuh valz'/; Sp. /rddawn'thes vah"lyes/, n.
a village in N Spain, in the Pyrenees: defeat of part of Charlemagne's army and the death of Roland A.D. 788. French, Roncevaux /rddawonns voh"/.

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French  Roncevaux , also called  Orreaga 

      village, Navarra provincia (province) and comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of northern Spain. It lies 3,220 feet (981 metres) above sea level, in the Pyrenees, northeast of Pamplona and near the French frontier. It is known in relation to the Pass of Roncesvalles, or Puerto de Ibañeta, which lies above it at an elevation of 3,862 feet (1,177 metres). This pass is the traditional site of the Battle of Roncesvalles (Aug. 15, 778), in which the Basques ambushed and totally wiped out the rear guard of the Frankish army as they were returning across the mountains to Aquitaine after Charlemagne, campaigning against the Muslims in Spain, had ravaged several towns south of the Pyrenees and had razed Pamplona. The Frankish army was led by the seneschal Eggihard, the count palatine Anselm, and Roland, prefect of the March of Brittany. The battle forms the basis of the legend of the hero Roland recounted in the epics La Chanson de Roland (Chanson de Roland, La) and Roncesvalles.

      In La Chanson de Roland the attackers are the Moors, and the rear guard is commanded by Charlemagne's nephew Roland, who is accompanied by his comrade Oliver and by Archbishop Turpin. Roland, urged by Oliver to sound his horn to recall the main army, is too proud to do so; when the blast is at last blown, it is too late for the returning army to do anything but avenge the main army's deaths. A similar fate was avoided (811) by Louis I (the Pious), or “le débonnaire,” then king of Aquitaine, who forced the wives and children of the local inhabitants to go through the pass with his army.

      At the summit of the pass are the remains of an early chapel of San Salvador (called Charlemagne's Chapel) and the Charlemagne Monument (1934). In the village is an Augustinian abbey, founded jointly about 1130 by Sancho de la Rosa (bishop of Pamplona) and the king of Navarra, for the use of pilgrims, especially those en route to Santiago de Compostela. The main church was built about 1230 by Sancho VII (the Strong) of Navarra and contains his tomb and that of his wife, Clemencia. A 13th-century statue of the Virgin of Sorrows (wood covered with gold) stands in the centre of the altarpiece. Roncesvalles is the scene of an annual procession of penitent pilgrims, each carrying a heavy cross and wearing a black hood, on the Wednesday before Whitsunday. Pop. (2007 est.) 24.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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