- Romantic Movement
the late 18th- and early 19th-century movement in France, Germany, England, and America to establish Romanticism in art and literature.[1875-80]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Romantic Movement — Romantic Movement, the a group of writers, artists etc. in English and Euorpean literature, art, and music, who followed their feelings and emotions rather than ↑logical thought or reason, and who preferred wild, natural beauty to things made by… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Romantic Movement — n. the revolt in the late 18th and early 19th cent. against the artistic, political, and philosophical principles that had become associated with neoclassicism: characterized in literature, music, painting, etc. by freedom of form, emphasis on… … English World dictionary
Romantic Movement — noun a movement in literature and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality • Syn: ↑Romanticism • Ant: ↑classicism (for:… … Useful english dictionary
Romantic movement — 18th 19th century movement in literature and the fine arts stressing personal emotion and freedom from rules of form … English contemporary dictionary
Romantic Movement — Roman′tic Move′ment n. fia lit. the late 18th and early 19th century movement to establish Romanticism in art and literature • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang
romantic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) inclined towards or suggestive of love or romance. 2) of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized view of reality. 3) (Romantic) relating to the artistic and literary movement of romanticism. ► NOUN 1) a person with… … English terms dictionary
romantic — [rō man′tik] adj. [Fr romantique < obs. romant (see ROMAUNT) + ique, IC] 1. of, having the nature of, characteristic of, or characterized by romance 2. without a basis in fact; fanciful, fictitious, or fabulous 3. not practical; visionary or… … English World dictionary
Romantic poetry — Romanticism largely began as a reaction against the prevailing Enlightenment ideals of the day. Inevitably, the characterization of a broad range of contemporaneous poets and poetry under the single unifying name can be viewed more as an exercise … Wikipedia
romantic — adj. & n. adj. 1 of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized, sentimental, or fantastic view of reality; remote from experience (a romantic picture; a romantic setting). 2 inclined towards or suggestive of romance in love (a romantic… … Useful english dictionary
romantic — adjective 1》 inclined towards or suggestive of romance. ↘relating to love, especially in a sentimental or idealized way. 2》 characterized by an idealized view of reality: a romantic attitude to the past. 3》 (Romantic) relating to romanticism … English new terms dictionary