
/rddaw mahonn fluev"/, n., pl. romans-fleuves /rddaw mahonn fluev"/. French.
saga (def. 3).

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Frenchnovel streamornovel cycle

      series of novels, each one complete in itself, that deals with one central character, an era of national life, or successive generations of a family.

      Inspired by successful 19th-century cycles such as Honoré de Balzac (Balzac, Honoré de)'s Comédie humaine and Émile Zola (Zola, Émile)'s Rougon-Macquart, the roman-fleuve was a popular literary genre in France during the first half of the 20th century. Examples include the 10-volume Jean-Christophe (190412) by Romain Rolland (Rolland, Romain), the 7-part À la recherche du temps perdu (191327; Remembrance of Things Past) by Marcel Proust (Proust, Marcel), the 8-part Les Thibault (192240) by Roger Martin du Gard (Martin du Gard, Roger), and Les Hommes de bonne volonté, 27 vol. (193246; Men of Good Will) by Jules Romains (Romains, Jules). Proust's work is the masterpiece of the genre.

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