
/rent"geuhn, -jeuhn, runt"-/; for 1 also Ger. /rdduent"geuhn/, n.
1. Wilhelm Konrad /wil"helm kon"rad/; Ger. /vil"helm kawn"rddaht/, 1845-1923, German physicist: discoverer of x-rays 1895; Nobel prize 1901.
2. (l.c.) Physics. a unit of exposure dose that measures x-rays or gamma rays in terms of the ions or electrons produced in dry air at 0° C and one atmosphere, equal to the amount of radiation producing one electrostatic unit of positive or negative charge per cubic centimeter of air. Abbr.: r, R
3. (sometimes l.c.) of or pertaining to Wilhelm Roentgen, the Roentgen unit, or esp. to x-rays.
Also, Röntgen.

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▪ unit of radiation
      unit of X-radiation (X-ray) or gamma radiation (gamma ray), the amount that will produce, under normal conditions of pressure, temperature, and humidity, in 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of air, an amount of positive or negative ionization equal to 2.58 × 10−4 coulomb. It is named for the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad). See also rem.

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