- rodent
—rodentlike, adj./rohd"nt/, adj.1. belonging or pertaining to the gnawing or nibbling mammals of the order Rodentia, including the mice, squirrels, beavers, etc.n.2. a rodent mammal.[1825-35; < NL Rodentia RODENTIA]
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Rodents are gnawing, mostly herbivorous, placental mammals. They have one pair of upper and one pair of lower, continuously growing, incisors. When the lower jaw is pulled back, the cheek teeth connect for grinding; when it is pulled forward and down, the incisors meet at the tips for gnawing. Rodent families include squirrels (Sciuridae); Old World mice (see mouse) and rats (Muridae); deer mice (see deer mouse), gerbils, hamsters, lemmings, muskrats, wood rats, and voles (Cricetidae); beaver (Castoridae); gophers (Geomyidae); guinea pigs (Caviidae); pocket mice (see pocket mouse) and kangaroo rats and mice (Heteromyidae); New and Old World porcupines (Erethizontidae and Hystricidae); and hutia (Capromyidae).* * *
▪ mammalIntroductionany of more than 2,050 living species of mammals (mammal) characterized by upper and lower pairs of ever-growing rootless incisor teeth. Rodents are the largest group of mammals, constituting almost half the class Mammalia's approximately 4,660 species. They are indigenous to every land area except Antarctica, New Zealand, and a few Arctic and other oceanic islands, although some species have been introduced even to those places through their association with humans. This huge order of animals encompasses 27 separate families, including not only the “true” rats (rat) and mice (mouse) (family Muridae) but also such diverse groups as porcupines (porcupine), beavers (beaver), squirrels (squirrel), marmots (marmot), pocket gophers (pocket gopher), and chinchillas (chinchilla).General featuresAll rodents possess constantly growing rootless incisors that have a hard enamel layer on the front of each tooth and softer dentine behind. The differential wear from gnawing creates perpetually sharp chisel edges. Rodents' absence of other incisors and canine teeth results in a gap, or diastema, between incisors and cheekteeth, which number from 22 (5 on each side of the upper and lower jaws (jaw)) to 4, may be rooted or rootless and ever-growing, and may be low- or high-crowned. The nature of the jaw articulation ensures that incisors do not meet when food is chewed and that upper and lower cheekteeth (premolars and molars) do not make contact while the animal gnaws. Powerful and intricately divided masseter muscles, attached to jaw and skull in different arrangements, provide most of the power for chewing and gnawing.The range in body size between the mouse (18 grams [0.64 ounce], body 12 cm [4.7 inches] long) and the marmot (3,000 grams, body 50 cm long) spans the majority of living rodents, but the extremes are remarkable. One of the smallest is Delany's swamp mouse (Delanymys brooksi), associated with bamboo in the marshes and mountain forests in Africa. It weighs 5 to 7 grams, and the body is 5 to 6 cm long. The largest is the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) of Central and South America, which weighs 35 to 66 kg and stands 50 to 60 cm at the shoulder, with a body 100 to 135 cm long. Some extinct species were even larger, attaining the size of a black bear or small rhinoceros. The largest rodent ever recorded, Josephoartigasia monesi, lived some two to four million years ago, during the Pliocene Epoch; by some estimates it grew to a length of about 3 metres and weighed nearly 1,000 kg.Importance to humansRodents have lived on the planet for at least 56 million years and modern humans for less than one million, but the consequences of their interactions during that short overlap of evolutionary time have been profound. For rodents, early humans were just another predator to avoid, but with Homo sapiens' (Homo sapiens) transition from nomadic hunting and gathering to sedentary agricultural practices, humans became a reliable source of shelter and food for those species having the innate genetic and behavioral abilities to adapt to man-made habitats. The impact of these species upon human populations ranges from inconvenient to deadly. Crops are damaged before harvest; stored food is contaminated by rodent waste; water-impounding structures leak from burrowing; and objects are damaged by gnawing. Certain species are reservoirs for diseases (human disease) such as plague, murine typhus, scrub typhus, tularemia, rat-bite fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Lassa fever, among others. Only a few species are serious pests (pest) or vectors of disease (see house mouse and rat), but it is these rodents that are most closely associated with people.Various other rodents are beneficial, providing a source of food through hunting and husbandry (see cavy, cane rat, bamboo rat, paca, capybara, and woodchuck), apparel derived from their fur (see nutria and chinchilla), test animals for biomedical and genetic research (especially mice and rats), pleasure as household pets (see golden hamster, guinea pig, and gerbil), and insight on mammalian biology and evolutionary history.Natural historyRodents may be diurnal, nocturnal, or sometimes active part of the day and night. Although some species are herbivorous, diets of most include vegetable and animal matter. Others are opportunistic generalists, and some are specialized predators, not only of arthropods (see grasshopper mouse) but sometimes of vertebrates. Food is either eaten where gathered or carried to burrows and stored (see pocket gopher, pocket mouse, African pouched rat, and hamster). Species living in arid habitats and on oceanic islands are able to obtain their water requirements from their food. A wide variety of shelters are used or constructed; these range from tree holes, rock crevices, or simple burrows to hidden nests on the forest floor, leaf and stick structures in tree crowns, mounds of cut vegetation built in aquatic environments, or complex networks of tunnels and galleries. Rodents may be active all year or enter periods of dormancy or deep hibernation. Breeding time and frequency, length of gestation, and litter size vary widely, but two of the most prolific are both associated with humans. The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) can give birth to litters of up to 22 offspring, and the house mouse (Mus musculus) can produce up to 14 litters annually. Population size may remain stable or fluctuate, and some species, most notably lemmings (lemming), migrate (migration) when populations become excessively large.Form and functionThe body form of tree squirrels (squirrel) may be the model for the earliest, and presumably generalized, rodents (genus Paramys). With their ability to adhere to bark with their claws, squirrels adeptly scamper up tree trunks, run along branches, and leap to adjacent trees; but they are equally agile on the ground, and some are capable swimmers. Burrowers are also represented in the form of long-tailed ground squirrels.The specialized body forms of other kinds of rodents tie them closer to particular locomotor patterns and ecologies. Some strictly arboreal species have a prehensile tail; others glide from tree to tree supported by fur-covered membranes between appendages (see flying squirrel and anomalure). Highly specialized fossorial (burrowing) rodents, including blind mole rats (blind mole rat), blesmols (blesmol), and ground squirrels (ground squirrel), are cylindrical and furry with protruding, strong incisors, small eyes and ears, and large forefeet bearing powerful digging claws. Semiaquatic rodents such as beavers (beaver), muskrats (muskrat), nutrias (nutria), and water rats (water rat) possess specialized traits allowing them to forage in aquatic habitats yet den in ground burrows. Terrestrial leaping species, such as kangaroo rats (kangaroo rat), jumping mice (jumping mouse), gerbils (gerbil), and jerboas (jerboa), have short forelimbs, long and powerful hind limbs and feet, and a long tail used for balance. Body forms of some rodents converge on those in nonrodent orders, resembling shrews (shrew), moles (mole), hares (hare), pikas (pika), pigs (pig), or small forest deer. There is also convergence between distantly related groups of rodents in particular body forms and associated natural histories.Regardless of body form, all rodents share the same basic tools that, as mammologists Emmons and Feer noted, “can be used to cut, pry, slice, gouge, dig, stab, or delicately hold like a pair of tweezers; they can cut grass, open nuts, kill animal prey, dig tunnels and fell large trees.”Evolution and classificationAs documented by fossils, the evolutionary history of rodents extends back 56 million years to the Late Paleocene Epoch in North America. Those species, however, are considered to have originated in Eurasia, so the origin of the order Rodentia is certainly older. However, lack of fossil evidence prior to the Late Paleocene makes the understanding of evolutionary relationships between rodents above the familial level a continuing quest. Specialists agree with the definitions of most families, but they historically have disagreed, and still do, about the arrangement of families into larger groups—namely, suborders. Past classifications either have omitted suborders altogether and grouped the families into superfamilies or have grouped the families into 2, 7, 11, or 16 suborders. The outline below follows the latest formal classification, which employs five suborders, and is based upon a combination of the classical arrangements of the jaw and associated musculature, histologic structure of incisor enamel layers, comparative anatomy of the head and postcranial skeletons and different organ systems, embryonic development of extraembryonic fetal membranes, and analyses of DNA. Some specialists recognize just two suborders, Sciurognathi and Hystricognathi, which were proposed in 1899 and were based on conformation of the lower jaw. But any arrangement is simply a hypothesis of relationships between rodent families that is continually being tested by discovery of new fossils, reanalyses of data from conventional sources, and new analyses of data from many different, unrelated sources.Order Rodentia (rodents)2,055 living species in 27 living families that comprise 454 genera and 485 extinct genera. 26 extinct rodent families contain an additional 214 genera.Suborder Myomorpha (mouselike rodents)5 extant families, 5 extinct families containing 44 genera and dating from the Early Eocene to present. The inclusion of Myoxidae is disputed, as evidence has been interpreted to support its placement here or in the Sciuromorpha.About 1,370 species in 300 genera, about 188 extinct genera. Some classifications disputed, new species still being described. See Muridae for additional taxonomic information.Subfamily Sigmodontinae (New World rats and mice)Subfamily Calomyscinae (mouselike hamsters)Subfamily Nesomyinae (Malagasy rats and mice)Subfamily Delanymyinae (Delany's swamp mouse)Subfamily Mystromyinae (white-tailed mouse)Subfamily Petromyscinae (rock mice)Subfamily Dendromurinae (African climbing mice, gerbil mice, fat mice, and forest mice)Subfamily Murinae (Old World rats and mice)Subfamily Acomyinae (African spiny mice, Rudd's mouse, and brush-furred rats)Subfamily Platacanthomyinae (Malabar spiny tree mouse and blind tree mice)51 species in 15 genera. 23 extinct genera. Early Eocene to present in Asia, Middle Eocene to present in North America, and Early Oligocene to present in Africa.Subfamily SicistinaeSubfamily ZapodinaeSubfamily AllactaginaeSubfamily DipodinaeSubfamily Paradipodinae38 species in 5 genera, 14 extinct genera. Early Oligocene to present in North America, Late Pleistocene to present in Central America.Family Heteromyidae36 species in 4 genera, 11 extinct genera. Early Oligocene to present in North America.Subfamily Heteromyinae (forest spiny mice)29 species in 8 genera, 36 extinct genera.Subfamily Graphiurinae (African dormice)Suborder Sciuromorpha (squirrel-like rodents)3 extant (living) families, 7 extinct families containing 89 genera. The extinct families Alagomyidae and Ischyromyidae include the earliest-known fossil rodents.272 species in 51 genera. 25 extinct genera.Family Castoridae (beavers)2 species in 1 genus. 24 extinct genera.1 species in 1 genus, 8 extinct genera. Late Eocene to present in North America, Oligocene and Miocene in Europe, Pliocene in Asia.Suborder Hystricognatha (porcupine-like rodents)16 extant families (8 extinct families containing 26 genera). Late Eocene to present.71 species in 17 genera, 21 extinct genera. Late Oligocene to present in South America, Pleistocene to present in West Indies.Family Octodontidae (rock rats, degus (degu), viscachas (viscacha), viscacha rats, coruro, and tuco-tucos (tuco-tuco))About 60 species in 8 genera, 16 extinct genera. Late Oligocene to present in South America.22 species in 5 genera, 7 extinct genera. Early Miocene to present in West Indies, Middle Miocene in South America.Family Erethizontidae (North American, prehensile-tailed, stump-tailed, hairy dwarf, and thin-spined porcupines)18 species in 5 genera, 7 extinct genera. Late Oligocene to present in South America, Late Pliocene to present in North America, and Late Pleistocene to present in Central America.Family Caviidae14 species in 5 genera, 16 extinct genera. Middle Miocene to present in South America.14 species in 2 genera, 9 extinct genera. Late Eocene and/or Early Oligocene to present in South America.12 species in 5 genera, 3 extinct genera. Early Miocene to present in Africa, Pleistocene in Asia.11 species in 3 genera, 3 extinct genera. Oligocene to present in Europe, Middle Miocene to present in Asia, and Late Miocene to present in Africa.7 species in 2 genera, 1 extinct genus. Late Miocene to present in South America.Family Chinchillidae6 species in 3 genera, 3 extinct genera. Late Oligocene to present in South America.Subfamily Lagostominae (plains viscacha)2 species in 1 genus. Present, no fossil ancestors.2 species in 1 genus, 6 extinct genera. Late Eocene to present in Africa, Oligocene in the Mediterranean, and Middle to Late Miocene in Asia.1 species in 1 genus, 22 extinct genera. Early Miocene to present in South America.1 species in 1 genus, 15 extinct genera. Late Miocene to present in South America, Early Pliocene to Late Pleistocene in North America, and Late Pleistocene to present in Central America.1 species in 1 genus. Pleistocene to present in Africa.1 species in 1 genus, 9 extinct genera. Early Miocene to present in South America.Suborder Anomaluromorpha2 extant families, 2 extinct families containing 4 genera. Early Miocene to present.7 species in 3 genera, 2 extinct genera. Late Eocene to present in Africa.Subfamily Anomalurinae (large anomalures)Subfamily Zenkerellinae (pygmy and flightless anomalures)1 species in 1 genus, 2 extinct genera. Early Miocene to present in Africa, Early to Middle Miocene in Asia.Suborder Sciuravida1 extant family, 4 extinct families containing 51 genera. Early Eocene to present.5 species in 4 genera, 16 extinct genera. Early Oligocene to Early Pliocene in Asia, Oligocene to Pleistocene in the Mediterranean, and Middle Miocene to present in Africa.Guy MusserAdditional ReadingDedicated worksThe order Rodentia is treated most extensively within larger works about mammals (see General works), but the following sources cover rodents exclusively.David Alderton and Bruce Tanner, Rodents of the World (1996, reissued 1999), provides a concise, well-illustrated description of rodents and also includes distribution maps. Eileen A. Lacey, James L. Patton, and Guy N. Cameron, (eds.), Life Underground: The Biology of Subterranean Rodents (2000), a worldwide survey that compares and contrasts evolutionary, anatomic, and other biological similarities between burrowing species. J.R. Ellerman, The Families and Genera of Living Rodents, 2 vol. (1940–41, reprinted 2 vol. in 1, 1966), is a scientific catalog of living rodents that is considered a classic; Robert Hendrickson, More Cunning than Man: A Social History of Rats and Man (1983, reissued 1999), describes a variety of roles, both positive and negative, that rats have played in their relationship with humans.General worksEdited volumes covering all mammals but containing separate rodent chapters or species accounts written by specialists include Sydney Anderson and J. Knox Jones, Jr. (eds.), Orders and Families of Recent Mammals of the World (1984); Don E. Wilson and Sue Ruff (eds.), The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals (1999); and Ronald Strahan (ed.), Mammals of Australia, rev. ed. (1995, reissued 1998).Additional works that include substantial sections on rodents are Ronald M. Nowak, Walker's Mammals of the World, 6th ed., 2 vol. (1999); David Macdonald (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Mammals (1984, reprinted 1999); John O. Whitaker, Jr., and William J. Hamilton, Jr., Mammals of the Eastern United States, 3rd ed. (1998); M.G.L. Mills and Lex Hes (compilers), The Complete Book of Southern African Mammals (1997); Jonathan Kingdon, East African Mammals: An Atlas of Evolution in Africa, vol. 2, part B (1974, reprinted 1984); G.B. Corbet and J.E. Hill, The Mammals of the Indomalayan Region (1992); Timothy Flannery, Mammals of New Guinea, rev. and updated ed. (1995), and Mammals of the South-West Pacific & Moluccan Islands (1995); and G.B. Corbet, The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region: A Taxonomic Review (1978; supplement, 1984).Field guides containing sections on rodents include John O. Whitaker, Jr., National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mammals, 2nd ed. (1996, reissued 1998); Louise H. Emmons and Franƈois Feer, Neotropical Rainforest Mammals: A Field Guide, 2nd ed. (1997); Jonathan Kingdon, The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals (1997); and Junaidi Payne, Charles M. Francis, and Karen Phillipps, A Field Guide to the Mammals of Borneo (1985).Taxonomy is the primary focus of Malcolm C. McKenna and Susan K. Bell, Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level (1997), which formally classifies living and fossil mammals. Don E. Wilson and DeeAnn M. Reeder (eds.), Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd ed. (1993), briefly lists the synonyms, distributions, and original scientific publications for each of the world's mammalian species.* * *
Universalium. 2010.