ritual bath

ritual bath
a mikvah.

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      religious or magic ceremony involving the use of water to immerse or anoint a subject's body. The many forms of Baptism (q.v.), ranging from total submersion to a symbolic sprinkling, indicate how certain ritual baths can vary in form even while retaining the same purificational meaning. Ritual baths may be taken while the subject is dressed or nude, in churches or other buildings, in rivers, streams, or ponds; but often the bath and the locus have mutually reinforcing symbolic meanings, as in the tīrthayātrā (see tīrtha), the typical Hindu pilgrimage bath in a holy river or stream, or the upanayana (q.v.), the Hindu rite of initiation before a young man's guru.

      Like many of the surviving great modern faiths, primitive religions used the ritual bath for negative and positive purposes. To bring rain, for example, the Zande of Central Africa poured water over a person accused of delaying or preventing rain. By comparison, the Hebrew mikvah (q.v.) sought ritual purification through use of prescribed amounts and kinds of water. The Shintō follower practiced water ablution (q.v.)—a kind of ritual bath in microcosmto prepare for a visit to a shrine. The Christian foot-washing (pedilavium), signifying humility, traditionally took place in the early church on Maundy, or Holy, Thursday to the accompaniment of chanted hymns.

      Many ritual bath forms survive today. They may have undergone changes over the years, but generally they retain their basic meanings.

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