
rimeless, adj.
/ruym/, n., v., rimed, riming.
1. Also called rime ice. an opaque coating of tiny, white, granular ice particles, caused by the rapid freezing of supercooled water droplets on impact with an object. Cf. frost (def. 2), glaze (def. 17).
2. to cover with rime or hoarfrost.
[bef. 900; ME rim, OE hrim; c. D rijm, ON hrim]
/ruym/, n., v.t., v.i., rimed, riming.

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      white, opaque, granular deposit of ice crystals formed on objects that are at a temperature below the freezing point. Rime occurs when supercooled water droplets (at a temperature lower than 0° C [32° F]) in fog come in contact with a surface that is also at a temperature below freezing; the droplets are so small that they freeze almost immediately upon contact with the object. Rime is common on windward upper slopes of mountains that are enveloped by supercooled clouds. These rime deposits take the form of long plumes of ice oriented into the direction of the wind and are calledfrozen fog deposits,” orfrost feathers.” Rime is composed of small ice particles with air pockets between them; this structure causes its typical white appearance and granular structure. Because of the rapid freezing of each individual supercooled droplet, there is relatively poor cohesion between the neighbouring ice particles, and the deposits may easily be shattered or removed from objects they form on. Thus, rime is not normally a serious problem when it forms on the wings or other surfaces of aircraft. See also frost; precipitation.

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