- rideable
/ruy"deuh beuhl/, adj.ridable.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
rideable — ride ► VERB (past rode; past part. ridden) 1) sit on and control the movement of (a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle). 2) (usu. ride in/on) travel in or on a vehicle or horse. 3) travel over on horseback or on a bicycle or motorcycle: ride the… … English terms dictionary
rideable — adjective see ride I … New Collegiate Dictionary
rideable — adjective a) Fit to be ridden. b) Fit to be traveled on bicycle, horseback, or the like. Ant: unrideable … Wiktionary
rideable — /ˈraɪdəbəl/ (say ruyduhbuhl) adjective 1. capable of being ridden, as a horse. 2. capable of being ridden over, through, etc., as a road or a stream. Also, ridable …
rideable — variant of ridable … Useful english dictionary
G-Land — is an internationally renowned surfbreak situated on the Bay of Grajagan, East Java, about half a day by road from the popular tourist destinations of Bali. Tourism *DiscoveryG Land was first surfed in 1972 by Bob Laverty and Bill Boyum. Bob saw… … Wikipedia
Fingerboard (skateboard) — A fingerboard or fingerskate is a miniature version of a skateboard complete with moving wheels, graphics and trucks. It has the same scale as a skateboard, but is 96 millimeters long. Skateboarding tricks may be performed using fingers instead… … Wikipedia
Quadracycle — For other uses, see Quadricycle. A Rhoades Car 4W2P 4 wheel bike parked on a Canadian urban street amongst the cars. A quadracycle is a four wheeled human powered vehicle. It is also referred to as a quadricycle, quadcycle pedal car or four… … Wikipedia
ride — I. verb (rode or chiefly dialect rid; ridden or chiefly dialect rid or rode; riding) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English rīdan; akin to Old High German rītan to ride, Middle Irish réidid he rides Date: before 12th century intransitive… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Show jumping — Show jumping, also known as stadium jumping or jumpers, is a member of a family of English riding equestrian events that also includes dressage, eventing, hunters and equitation. Jumping classes are commonly seen at horse shows throughout the… … Wikipedia