- Rickey
/rik"ee/, n.
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(as used in expressions)Henderson RickeyRickey Henley HendersonRickey Branch Wesley* * *
Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Rickey — is a surname or first name, and may refer to:* Branch Rickey (1881 1965), a Major League Baseball executive * Branch Rickey Jr. (1913 1961), a Major League Baseball executive * Branch Rickey III, president of the Pacific Coast League * George… … Wikipedia
Rickey — bezeichnet als Oberbegriff und Namensbestandteil einige Longdrinks, die Limettensaft enthalten Branch Rickey (1881–1965), US amerikanischer Baseballspieler, manager und funktionär George Rickey (1907–2002), US amerikanischer Bildhauer … Deutsch Wikipedia
rickey — ☆ rickey [rik′ē ] n. [said to be after a Col. Rickey] a drink made of carbonated water, lime juice, and, usually, an alcoholic liquor, esp. gin (gin rickey) … English World dictionary
rickey — 1895, alcoholic drink made with carbonated water and lime juice; reputedly from the name of Col. Joe Rickey of St. Louis, Missouri … Etymology dictionary
Rickey — [ rɪkɪ], George, amerikanischer Bildhauer, * South Bend (Indiana) 6. 6. 1907, ✝Saint Paul (Minnesota) 17. 7. 2002; wuchs in Europa auf, studierte u. a. in Oxford und Paris. Vom Konstruktivismus ausgehend, gestaltete er hängende oder stehende… … Universal-Lexikon
rickey — /rik ee/, n., pl. rickeys. a drink made with lime juice, carbonated water, and gin or other liquor. [1890 95, Amer.; named after a Colonel Rickey] * * * (as used in expressions) Henderson Rickey Rickey Henley Henderson Rickey Branch Wesley * * * … Universalium
Rickey — (as used in expressions) Henderson, Rickey Rickey Henley Henderson Rickey, Branch (Wesley) … Enciclopedia Universal
rickey — noun (plural rickeys) Etymology: probably from the name Rickey Date: 1895 a drink containing liquor, lime juice, sugar, and soda water; also a similar drink without liquor … New Collegiate Dictionary
rickey — noun (plural rickeys) N. Amer. a drink consisting of a spirit, typically gin, with lime or lemon juice, carbonated water, and ice. Origin C19: prob. from the surname Rickey … English new terms dictionary
rickey — rick•ey [[t]ˈrɪk i[/t]] n. pl. eys vin a drink of lime juice, soda water, and often gin or other liquor • Etymology: 1890–95, amer.; < the surname Rickey … From formal English to slang