- Richard II
1. 1367-1400, king of England 1377-99 (successor to and grandson of Edward III; son of Edward, Prince of Wales).2. (italics) a drama (1595?) by Shakespeare.
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born Jan. 6, 1367, Bordeauxdied February 1400, Pontefract, Yorkshire, Eng.King of England (1377–99).The grandson of Edward III, he inherited the throne during his boyhood, and his uncle John of Gaunt and other nobles dominated the government. The Black Death brought on economic problems, leading to the Peasants' Revolt (1381), which Richard quelled with false promises. His enemies among the nobility placed limits on his royal power (1386–89), but he later took revenge on them. He banished John of Gaunt's son, Henry, and confiscated his vast Lancastrian estates. While Richard was absent in Ireland, Henry invaded England (1399) and seized power as Henry IV. Richard was then forced to abdicate the throne. He was then imprisoned, and sometime in February 1400 he was executed; by means unknown.* * *
▪ duke of Normandydied 1026/27duke of Normandy (996–1026/27), son of Richard I the Fearless. He held his own against a peasant insurrection, helped Robert II of France against the duchy of Burgundy, and repelled an English attack on the Cotentin Peninsula that was led by the Anglo-Saxon king Ethelred II the Unready. He also pursued a reform of the Norman monasteries.▪ king of EnglandIntroductionborn January 6, 1367, Bordeaux [now in France]died February 1400, Pontefract, Yorkshire [now in West Yorkshire], Englandking of England from 1377 to 1399. An ambitious ruler, with a lofty conception of the royal office, he was deposed by his cousin, Henry Bolingbroke (Henry IV) ( Henry IV), because of his arbitrary and factional rule.Early yearsRichard was the younger and only surviving son of Edward (Edward The Black Prince), the Black Prince, and his wife, Joan of Kent. Because his father died prematurely in 1376, Richard succeeded his grandfather Edward III as king in June 1377.The king's early years were overshadowed by the Hundred Years' War, a prolonged struggle with France. The heavy cost of the war led to the introduction in 1377 of a novel, and highly regressive, tax, the poll tax. In November 1380 Parliament granted permission to impose the tax for the third time at a flat rate much higher than before. The tactless attempts the government made in the following year to enforce collection of the tax led to the outbreak of the Peasants' Revolt. Richard's role in ending the Revolt was rightly acclaimed, but it should not be supposed that he was influential in making policy. Almost certainly, the confrontation with the rebels at Smithfield was engineered by a hard-line group of his counselors.In the years after the Revolt, Richard's interest in the affairs of state intermittently increased. According to the chronicler Thomas Walsingham (Walsingham, Thomas), a contemporary of Richard's, the choice of Anne of Bohemia, the daughter of the Holy Roman emperor Charles IV, as his bride in 1381 was very much Richard's own. By 1383 his personal initiative showed in the choice of his friends and counselors, including two figures of particular importance—Sir Simon Burley, his former tutor, and Burley's ally, Sir Michael de la Pole, chancellor from 1383. Richard was also on close terms with some ambitious younger men, notably Robert de Vere (Oxford, Robert de Vere, 9th earl of), Earl of Oxford, and the knights Ralph Stafford and James Berners. These younger men were deeply jealous of the power and prestige of John of Gaunt (John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster), the duke of Lancaster. Their repeated criticism of the duke and their involvement in an attempt on his life led to an atmosphere of rancour and suspicion at court. By 1385 Richard's relations with the higher nobility were quickly deteriorating.In October 1386 there was a major crisis in Parliament. In the wake of Lancaster's departure for Spain in July with a large fleet to pursue his claim to the Castilian throne, the French planned an invasion of England. De la Pole, hastily organizing the coastal defences, sought an unprecedentedly large grant of taxation from Parliament. The massive scale of his demand provoked resistance, and the House of Commons (Commons, House of) clamoured for his resignation. Richard, stung by the Commons' effrontery, retorted that he would not remove one scullion from his kitchen at their behest. Eventually, however, he had to give way. De la Pole was replaced as chancellor and put on trial, and a commission of government was appointed to hold office for a year.Richard reacted to the Commons' assault by retreating to the Midlands to rally his supporters. At Shrewsbury and Nottingham in August he received vigorous reaffirmation of his rights from the royal courts. News of the judges' opinions frightened the king's critics, who reacted by bringing an accusatio, or formal appeal, against his allies of treason. The Lords Appellant, as they were now called—the duke of Gloucester and the earls of Warwick, Arundel, Nottingham, and Derby—mobilized their retinues in self-defense. Richard dispatched his friend Robert de Vere southward with an armed force, but de Vere was defeated at Radcot Bridge on December 20, 1387. A few days later London was occupied by the Appellants. Richard returned to his capital humiliated.In the aptly named “Merciless Parliament” that followed, the Appellants purged the court. Two of Richard's main allies were executed, and others were dismissed from office. By the following spring, however, the Appellant tide had subsided. At a council meeting at Westminster on May 3, 1389, Richard formally resumed responsibility for government. He dismissed the Appellants' ministers and appointed new officers of his own. At the same time, he published a manifesto promising better governance and an easing of the burden of taxation.Richard's mature kingshipIn a five-year period beginning in 1389, Richard went some way toward honouring his promises. Taxes fell sharply following a truce with the French in 1389, and from 1389 to 1391 no demands for a tax on “moveable” property were made. Richard also showed greater circumspection in his patronage. Previously he had concentrated favour on just a few, but he now rewarded a wider circle, though each in smaller measure.Yet the seeming moderation of Richard's rule was matched by a strong emphasis on the reassertion of royal authority. Richard was determined never again to suffer a humiliation of the kind inflicted upon him by the Appellants. Accordingly, in the 1390s he developed a program to strengthen the material foundations of his rule. In a novel initiative he built up a large baronial-style affinity, whose members wore the king's badge of the white hart. At the same time, he attracted to the central offices of government a corps of hard-working ministers deeply committed to his cause, notably John Waltham, the treasurer (1391–95), and Edmund Stafford, the chancellor (1396–99). Richard also sought to enhance the dignity and mystique of his monarchy. He encouraged lofty new forms of address—for example, “your highness” or “your majesty,” instead of “my lord.” He also elaborated the ceremony and protocol of his court, making the rebuilt Westminster Hall the focus of a grand monarchical cult. He stressed the quasi-religious dimension to his kingship, and solemn crown-wearings in Westminster Abbey formed an increasingly important part of his kingly ritual.The highly assertive nature of his kingship revealed itself in his first expedition to Ireland. In 1394–95 he led a substantial force there to buttress the position of the English administration. The native Irish were overawed by the presence of an English king, and the local chieftains, or “High Kings,” all attended the court in Dublin to submit to his authority. In letters of submission made for the penitent chieftains, Richard articulated his political vision. Rebellion and disobedience were to be rewarded with appropriate punishment, the rebel Irish were to enter into the king's obedience, and all Irish, of whatever status, were to perform their accustomed obligations to him.Tyranny and fallThe exalted notions that Richard articulated in Ireland formed the background for his dramatic reassertion of royal authority two years later in England. In July 1397 Richard ordered the arrest of the senior Appellants—Gloucester, Arundel, and Warwick. The first two were imprisoned and executed, and the last exiled to the Isle of Man. In letters that he sent to foreign rulers shortly afterward, Richard justified his actions in terms of his political beliefs. He said that the lords' earlier rebellion and disobedience called for “an avenging punishment” that would “thresh the traitors out even to the husk,” and that the destruction and ruin of their persons would bring to his subjects a “peace” that would last forever. By peace, Richard meant not only the absence of war but also “unity,” the foundation of a strong realm.But Richard's peace was illusory. In reality, his entourage was riddled with factions and feuds. In January 1398 a quarrel broke out between Henry Bolingbroke, Lancaster's son, and the king's former ally, Thomas Mowbray (Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray, 1st Duke of, Earl Of Nottingham, Earl Marshal) (Duke of Norfolk and Earl of Nottingham). Mowbray apparently warned Bolingbroke of a plot by some of the king's intimates to destroy the Lancastrian inheritance. Bolingbroke reported the conversation to the king, who ordered that the conflict created by this betrayal of confidence be settled by a trial by combat. A day was set for the adversaries to meet, but at the last moment Richard, fearful of Bolingbroke's possible victory, cancelled the engagement and gave judgment himself. Bolingbroke was sentenced to exile for 10 years, and Mowbray for life.In February 1399 Lancaster died, and Richard took possession of his inheritance. Three months later, his coffers replenished with Lancastrian gold, Richard set off again for Ireland; the settlement of 1395 was in danger of unraveling, and his personal attention was required. While he was away, his cousin Bolingbroke returned from exile. Landing in Yorkshire, the duke met the earl of Northumberland and quickly won his support. Then he began a triumphant march across central and western England. Richard was slow to return from Ireland. By the time he reached Wales in mid-July, popular support for him had melted away, and in the meantime York, “the keeper of the realm,” had ceased resistance. Around August 15 Richard surrendered to Northumberland at Conway. Northumberland took him under guard to Bolingbroke at Flint; from there he was taken to Chester and later to London.In September Bolingbroke summoned a Parliament in his adversary's name, and a committee was appointed to draft articles of deposition. On September 29, after a series of meetings in the Tower of London, Richard was induced to lay aside his crown. On the following day the king's statement of abdication was read in Parliament and approved. The assembly also assented to the articles of deposition, because abdication alone, as an act that could be rescinded, was insufficient. When the proceedings were concluded, Richard was taken from the Tower to Leeds and later to Pontefract. In January 1400 a group of his former courtiers, led by the earl of Salisbury, plotted to restore him to the throne. Their rebellion was crushed, but it convinced Bolingbroke, by now Henry IV, that he could no longer allow Richard to live. Sometime in February the former king was put to death; by what means is not known. After a requiem mass at St. Paul's Cathedral, the body was obscurely interred at King's Langley, England. Early in Henry V's reign Richard was given honourable burial in the tomb that he had made for himself in Westminster Abbey.Character and ideasRichard articulated a radically new vision of kingship in England, rejecting the tradition of warrior monarchy epitomized by Edward III. Richard's kingship owed much to the ideas of the 13th-century writer Giles of Rome. Giles argued that all personal honour and privilege flowed from the king, whom the subjects should obey. Richard said the same about honour in his patents of ennoblement, and he and his ministers likewise emphasized the need for obedience. Giles's influence on the king overlapped with that of Roman law. In the deposition articles, the king was alleged to have cited the Roman legal principle that “the laws were in his mouth…or alternatively in his breast.” However, Richard's political outlook also owed much to his religion. He was a man of deep piety who saw government as a burden placed on him by God. He believed it his duty to ensure the acceptability of his government to God. In order to win such acceptability, he took firm action against the English heresy of Lollardy (Lollard). Indeed, the epitaph on his tomb expressed the pride that he took in “suppressing the heretics and scattering their friends.” He was devoted to the saints and delighted in reports of miracles, because they strengthened his faith. He showed particular devotion to the cult of St. Edward the Confessor (Edward), whose reputation for “peace” validated Richard's own search for “peace.” He also was strongly devoted to two other saints, St. Edmund and St. John the Baptist (John the Baptist, Saint). All three saints are shown as his sponsors on that icon of Ricardian kingship, the Wilton Diptych.Richard was a tall, vigorous man, handsome with fair hair, highly self-conscious, and much preoccupied with his self-image. There are indications that he had the characteristics of a narcissistic personality. The very public way in which he achieved his ends in and after 1397 can best be understood in terms of the narcissist's craving for recognition and outward success.Nigel SaulAdditional ReadingThe fullest and most up-to-date biography of the king is Nigel Saul, Richard II (1997, reissued 1999). Many aspects of the reign are covered in Anthony Goodman and James Gillespie (eds.), Richard II: The Art of Kingship (1999).The king's political ideas are discussed by Simon Walker, “Richard II's Views on Kingship,” in Rowena E. Archer and Simon Walker (eds.), Rulers and Ruled in Late Medieval England: Essays Presented to Gerald Harriss (1995), pp. 49–63; and Nigel Saul, “Richard II and the Vocabulary of Kingship,” The English Historical Review, 110(438):854–877 (September 1995). The king's ideas during the final years of his reign are considered in Caroline M. Barron, “The Tyranny of Richard II,” Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 41(103):1–18 (May 1968); and C. Given-Wilson, “Richard II, Edward II, and the Lancastrian Inheritance,” The English Historical Review, 109(432):553–571 (June 1994).The Wilton Diptych has generated a literature of its own. The most important books are Dillian Gordon et al., Making & Meaning: The Wilton Diptych (1993); and Dillian Gordon, Lisa Monnas, and Caroline Elam (eds.), The Regal Image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych (1997).▪ work by Shakespearechronicle play in five acts by William Shakespeare (Shakespeare, William), written in 1595–96 and published in a quarto edition in 1597 and in the First Folio of 1623. The quarto edition omits the deposition scene in Act IV, almost certainly as a result of censorship. The play is the first in a sequence of four history plays (the other three being Henry IV, Part 1, Henry IV, Part 2, and Henry V) known collectively as the “second tetralogy,” treating major events in English history of the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The story of Richard II was taken mainly from Raphael Holinshed (Holinshed, Raphael)'s Chronicles. While much of the play is true to the facts of Richard's life, Shakespeare's account of his murder rests on no reliable authority.Richard begins the play as an extravagant, self-indulgent king. He exiles two feuding noblemen, Thomas Mowbray and Henry Bolingbroke, seemingly because Mowbray has been implicated along with Richard himself in the murder of Richard's uncle Thomas of Woodstock, duke of Gloucester, while Bolingbroke, Richard's first cousin, is a threat to the king because he is intent on avenging the death of Gloucester. When John of Gaunt, Bolingbroke's father, dies, Richard seizes his properties to finance a war against the Irish. The seizure gives Bolingbroke an excuse to invade England with his own armies; he insists that his return in arms is solely to regain his illegally seized dukedom. Powerful earls, especially the Earl of Northumberland and his family, support Bolingbroke because of their intense disapproval of Richard's invasion of baronial rights. Richard's last surviving uncle, Edmund of Langley, duke of York, serves as regent while the king is fighting in Ireland. York, however, recognizes that change is inevitable and swears allegiance to Bolingbroke. York's son, the Duke of Aumerle, remains loyal to Richard despite his father's change of allegiance.Unable to defeat Bolingbroke militarily, Richard reluctantly agrees to surrender and abdicate the throne. In prison, lonely, miserable, and forgotten, he soliloquizes on the meaning of his suffering. From this moment of truth, he rediscovers pride, trust, and courage, so that, when he is murdered, he dies with access to strength and an ascending spirit. Bolingbroke, now King Henry IV, performs his first royal act (and displays his pragmatic approach to governing) by acquiescing to the Duchess of York's pleas for Aumerle's life while the zealous York demands his “disloyal” son's execution. The play ends with Henry inquiring about his own wastrel son, Prince Hal, and swearing to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to atone for his part in Richard's murder.For a discussion of this play within the context of Shakespeare's entire corpus, see William Shakespeare: Shakespeare's plays and poems (Shakespeare, William).* * *
Universalium. 2010.