
richly, adv.richness, n.
/rich/, adj., richer, richest, n.
1. having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied with resources, means, or funds; wealthy: a rich man; a rich nation.
2. abounding in natural resources: a rich territory.
3. having wealth or valuable resources (usually fol. by in): a country rich in traditions.
4. abounding (usually fol. by in or with): a countryside rich in beauty; a design rich with colors.
5. of great value or worth; valuable: a rich harvest.
6. (of food) delectably and perhaps unhealthfully spicy, or sweet and abounding in butter or cream: a rich gravy; a rich pastry.
7. costly, expensively elegant, or fine, as dress or jewels.
8. sumptuous; elaborately abundant: a rich feast.
9. using valuable materials or characterized by elaborate workmanship, as buildings or furniture.
10. abounding in desirable elements or qualities: a man rich in kindness.
11. (of wine) strong and finely flavored.
12. (of color) deep, strong, or vivid: rich purple.
13. full and mellow in tone: rich sounds; a rich voice.
14. strongly fragrant; pungent: a rich odor.
15. producing or yielding abundantly: a rich soil.
16. abundant, plentiful, or ample: a rich supply.
17. Auto. (of a mixture in a fuel system) having a relatively high ratio of fuel to air (contrasted with lean).
18. Informal.
a. highly amusing.
b. ridiculous; absurd.
19. (used with a pl. v.) rich persons collectively (usually prec. by the): new tax shelters for the rich.
[bef. 900; ME; OE rice (adj.) Celtic; c. G reich wealthy; akin to L rex, Skt rajan king]
Syn. 1. well-to-do, moneyed. RICH, WEALTHY, AFFLUENT all indicate abundance of possessions. RICH is the general word; it may imply that possessions are newly acquired: an oilman who became rich overnight. WEALTHY suggests permanence, stability, and appropriate surroundings: a wealthy banker. AFFLUENT usually suggests a generous amount of income, with a high standard of living and some social prestige and privilege: an affluent family. 5. bountiful, copious, luxuriant. 7. precious, high-priced, dear. 12. intense, vibrant. 14. aromatic. 15. fruitful, productive, prolific, luxuriant. 16. bountiful, copious, abounding, bounteous.
Ant. 1-5, 15, 16. poor.

* * *

(as used in expressions)
Rich Adrienne Cecile
Rich Buddy
Bernard Rich

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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