- rhizome
/ruy"zohm/, n. Bot.a rootlike subterranean stem, commonly horizontal in position, that usually produces roots below and sends up shoots progressively from the upper surface.[1835-45; < NL rhizoma < Gk rhízoma root, stem, n. of result from rhizoûn to fix firmly, take root, deriv. of rhíza ROOT1]
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Horizontal underground plant stem capable of producing the upward shoot and downward root systems of a new plant.This capability allows vegetative (asexual) propagation and enables plants to survive an annual unfavourable season underground. In some plants (e.g., water lilies, many ferns, and forest herbs), the rhizome is the only stem of the plant. In such cases, only the leaves and flowers are readily visible.* * *
▪ plant anatomyin botany, horizontal, underground plant stem capable of producing the shoot and root systems of a new plant. This capability allows the parent plant to propagate vegetatively (asexually) and also enables a plant to perennate (survive an annual unfavourable season) underground. In some plants (e.g., water lilies, many ferns and forest herbs), the rhizome is the only stem of the plant. In such cases, only the leaves and flowers are readily visible.* * *
Universalium. 2010.