revenue sharing

revenue sharing
revenue-sharing, adj.
the system of disbursing part of federal tax revenues to state and local governments for their use.

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Funding arrangement in which one government unit grants a portion of its tax income to another government unit.

For example, provinces or states may share revenue with local governments, or national governments may share revenue with provinces or states. Laws determine the formulas by which revenue is shared, limiting the controls that the unit supplying the money can exercise over the receiver and specifying whether matching funds must be supplied by the receiver. Forms of revenue sharing have been used in several countries, including Canada, India, and Switzerland. From 1972 to 1986 the U.S. pursued a revenue-sharing program in which state and local governments received federal funds to spend as they saw fit.

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▪ government program
      a government unit's apportioning of part of its tax (taxation) income to other units of government. For example, provinces or states may share revenue with local governments, or national governments may share revenue with provinces or states. Laws determine the formulas by which revenue is shared; the units that receive the money are free from most controls by the granting unit, and the receiving units may or may not be required to match the amounts received.

      Forms of revenue sharing have been used in several countries including Canada, India, and Switzerland. In the unique revenue-sharing program in the United States during 1972–86, money collected in federal taxes was given to state and local governments. The federal government imposed few restrictions on how revenue-sharing money could be used, for one of the principles underlying the program was that local elected officials were supposedly more effective at determining local needs. Communities held public hearings on how the money would be spent; there could be no discrimination in its use; and public audits were also required. As a result, small towns and counties, as well as large cities, received direct federal aid. Economist Walter Heller is credited with originating the revenue-sharing program, which U.S. President Richard M. Nixon (Nixon, Richard M.) signed into law in October 1972. During the 14 years of the program's operation administrative costs were extremely low, and a total of $85 billion reached America's communities.

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