
/ri pyooh"tid lee/, adv.
according to reputation or popular belief: a reputedly honest man.
[1680-90; REPUTED + -LY]

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  • Reputedly — Re*put ed*ly (r? p?t ?d l?), adv. In common opinion or estimation; by repute. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reputedly — adverb according to general belief, according to reputation, allegedly, assumedly, assumptively, presumably, reportedly, rumored, seemingly, supposedly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • reputedly — See allegedly. See allegedly, reportedly, reputedly …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • reputedly — adv. Reputedly is used with these verbs: ↑earn, ↑haunt …   Collocations dictionary

  • reputedly — re|put|ed|ly [rıˈpju:tıdli] adv [sentence adverb] according to what some people say = ↑reportedly →↑allegedly ▪ The committee had reputedly spent over $3000 on business entertainment …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • reputedly — adverb (sentence adverb) according to what most people say or think: The committee had reputedly spent over $3000 on business entertainment …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • reputedly — adverb this is reputedly the handwriting of Saddam s oldest son Syn: supposedly, by all accounts, so I m told, so people say, allegedly …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • reputedly — repute ► NOUN 1) the opinion generally held of someone or something. 2) the state of being highly regarded. ► VERB 1) (be reputed) be generally regarded as having done something or as having particular characteristics. 2) (reputed) generally… …   English terms dictionary

  • reputedly — adverb by repute; according to general belief fish with reputedly poisonous flesh …   Useful english dictionary

  • reputedly — adverb Date: 1687 according to reputation or general belief …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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