
repertorial, adj.
/rep"euhr tawr'ee, -tohr'ee/, n., pl. repertories.
1. a type of theatrical presentation in which a company presents several works regularly or in alternate sequence in one season.
2. a theatrical company that presents productions in this manner.
3. repertoire.
4. a store or stock of things available.
5. storehouse.
[1545-55; < LL repertorium inventory, equiv. to L reper(ire) to discover, find, make up (re- RE- + -perire, comb. form of parere to bring forth, produce) + -torium -TORY2]

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  • repertory — (n.) 1550s, index, list, catalogue, from L.L. repertorium inventory, list, from L. repertus, pp. of reperire to find, get, invent, from re , intensive prefix, + parire, archaic form of paerere produce, bring forth, from PIE root *per attempt (see …   Etymology dictionary

  • repertory — [rep′ər tôr΄ē, rep′ətôr΄ē] n. pl. repertories [LL repertorium, an inventory < L repertus, pp. of reperire, to find out, discover < re , again + parere, to produce, invent, bear: see PAROUS] 1. a) a repository for useful things; storehouse… …   English World dictionary

  • Repertory — Rep er*to*ry (r?p ?r t? r?), n. [L. repertorium, fr. reperire to find again; pref. re re + parire, parere, to bring forth, procure: cf. F. r[ e]pertoire. Cf. {Parent}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A place in which things are disposed in an orderly manner,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repertory — index cache (storage place), depository, treasury Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • repertory — [n] collection bit, cache, depot, list, range, rep*, repertoire, repository, routine, schtick*, stock, stockroom, store, storehouse, stunt*, supply; concepts 263,432,712 …   New thesaurus

  • repertory — ► NOUN (pl. repertories) 1) the performance by a company of the plays, operas, or ballets in its repertoire at regular short intervals. 2) another term for REPERTOIRE(Cf. ↑repertoire). 3) a repository or collection. ORIGIN originally denoting an… …   English terms dictionary

  • Repertory — For other meanings of repertory, please see repertory (disambiguation). Repertory or rep, called stock in the U.S., is a term used in Western theatre and opera. A repertory theatre can be a theatre in which a resident company presents works from… …   Wikipedia

  • repertory — [[t]re̱pə(r)tri, AM tɔːri[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: usu N n A repertory company is a group of actors and actresses who perform a small number of plays for just a few weeks at a time. They work in a repertory theatre. ...a well known repertory company in …   English dictionary

  • Repertory —    Many actor managers between 1880 and 1930 adopted the repertory structure, hiring a corps of actors to appear in a season of plays. Typically, actors were cast according to lines of business, playing the same size and type of role in each play …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

  • repertory — n. in repertory (to play in repertory) * * * [ repət(ə)rɪ] in repertory (to play in repertory) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • repertory — repertoire, repertory These are essentially the same word, being the French and English equivalents of Latin repertorium meaning ‘an inventory or catalogue’. A repertoire is a stock of dramatic or musical pieces which a player or company… …   Modern English usage

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