- remember
/ri mem"beuhr/, v.t.1. to recall to the mind by an act or effort of memory; think of again: I'll try to remember the exact date.2. to retain in the memory; keep in mind; remain aware of: Remember your appointment with the dentist.4. to bear (a person) in mind as deserving a gift, reward, or fee: The company always remembers us at Christmas.5. to give a tip, donation, or gift to: to remember the needy.6. to mention (a person) to another as sending kindly greetings: Remember me to your family.7. (of an appliance, computer, etc.) to perform (a programmed activity) at a later time or according to a preset schedule: The coffeepot remembers to start the coffee at 7 A.M. every day.8. Archaic. to remind.v.i.9. to possess or exercise the faculty of memory.10. to have recollection (sometimes fol. by of): The old man remembers of his youth.[1300-50; ME remembren < OF remembrer < LL rememorari, equiv. to re- RE- + L memor mindful (see MEMORY) + -ari inf. suffix]Syn. 1. REMEMBER, RECALL, RECOLLECT refer to bringing back before the conscious mind things which exist in the memory. REMEMBER implies that a thing exists in the memory, though not actually present in the thoughts at the moment: to remember the days of one's childhood. RECALL implies a voluntary effort, though not a great one: to recall the words of a song. RECOLLECT implies an earnest voluntary effort to remember some definite, desired fact or thing: I cannot recollect the exact circumstances.
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Universalium. 2010.