- remainderman
a person who owns a remainder.[1735-45; REMAINDER + MAN1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
remainderman — re·main·der·man /ri mān dər mən/ n pl men / ˌmen, mən/: one who has received or is to or may receive a remainder Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. remainderman … Law dictionary
Remainderman — A remainderman is a person who inherits or is entitled to inherit property upon the termination of the estate of the former owner. Usually this occurs due to the death or termination of the former owner s life estate, but this can also occur due… … Wikipedia
remainderman — One who is entitled to the remainder of the estate after a particular estate carved out of it has expired. One who becomes entitled to estate after intervention of precedent estate or on termination by lapse of time of rights of precedent estate… … Black's law dictionary
remainderman — noun a) A person entitled to receive a remainder interest in any property. b) A person entitled to the assets of a trust at the end of some specified period or after some event. For instance a mans will might put his assets into a trust with the… … Wiktionary
Remainderman — One who receives the principal of a trust when it is dissolved. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
remainderman — One who receives the principal of a trust when it is dissolved. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
remainderman — re main·der·man || rɪ meɪndÉ™(r)mæn n. one who owns a future interest in an estate … English contemporary dictionary
remainderman — The recipient of the remainder (residue) of an estate after the expenses, specific legacies, and inheritance tax have been paid … Accounting dictionary
remainderman — re·main·der·man … English syllables
remainderman — /rəˈmeɪndəmæn/ (say ruh maynduhman) noun (plural remaindermen) Law a person entitled to an estate in expectancy, that is, by inheritance after the owner s death …