
reliclike, adj.
/rel"ik/, n.
1. a surviving memorial of something past.
2. an object having interest by reason of its age or its association with the past: a museum of historic relics.
3. a surviving trace of something: a custom that is a relic of paganism.
4. relics,
a. remaining parts or fragments.
b. the remains of a deceased person.
5. something kept in remembrance; souvenir; memento.
6. Eccles. (esp. in the Roman Catholic and Greek churches) the body, a part of the body, or some personal memorial of a saint, martyr, or other sacred person, preserved as worthy of veneration.
7. a once widespread linguistic form that survives in a limited area but is otherwise obsolete.
[1175-1225; ME < OF relique < L reliquiae (pl.) remains ( > OE reliquias), equiv. to reliqu(us) remaining + -iae pl. n. suffix]

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      in religion, strictly, the mortal remains of a saint; in the broad sense, the term also includes any object that has been in contact with the saint. Among the major religions, Christianity, almost exclusively in Roman Catholicism, and Buddhism have emphasized the veneration of relics.

      The basis of Christian cult veneration of relics is the conception that reverence for the relics redounds to the honour of the saint. While expectation of favours may accompany the devotion, it is not integral to it. The first Christian reference to relics comes from Acts of the Apostles (Acts of the Apostles, The) and explains that handkerchiefs that touched the skin of St. Paul (Paul, the Apostle, Saint) while he was preaching in Corinth were able to heal the sick and exorcise demons. During the 2nd century AD, in the Martyrdom of Polycarp, the bones of the martyred bishop of Smyrna are described asmore valuable than precious stones.” The veneration of relics continued and grew in Christianity. Generally, the expectation of miracles increased during the Middle Ages, while the flood of Oriental relics into Europe during the Crusades raised serious questions as to their authenticity and ethical procurement. St. Thomas Aquinas, the great Roman Catholic theologian, however, considered it natural to cherish the remains of the saintly dead and found sanction for the veneration of relics in God's working of miracles in the presence of relics.

      Roman Catholic thought, defined in 1563 at the Council of Trent and subsequently affirmed, maintained that relic veneration was permitted and laid down rules to assure the authenticity of relics and exclude venal practices. Among the most venerated of Christian relics were the fragments of the True Cross.

      In the Eastern Orthodox churches, devotion is focused on icons rather than upon relics, though the antimension (the cloth upon which the divine liturgy is celebrated) always contains a relic. The attitude of the 16th-century Protestant Reformers toward relics was uniformly negative, and the veneration of relics has not been accepted in Protestantism.

      Like Christianity, Islam (Islām) has had a cult of relics associated with its founder and with saints. In Islam, however, the use of relics has had no official sanction; indeed, Muslim theologians have frequently denounced the veneration of relics and the related practice of visiting the tombs of saints as conflicting with the Prophet Muhammad's insistence on his own purely human, nondivine nature and his stern condemnation of idolatry and the worship of anyone other than God himself.

      Relic worship was canonically established in Buddhism from its earliest days. Tradition (Mahaparinibbana Sutta) states that the cremated remains of the Buddha (d. c. 483 BC) were distributed equally among eight Indian tribes in response to a demand for his relics. Commemorative mounds ( stupas) were built over these relics, over the vessel from which the bones were distributed, and over the collective ashes of the funeral pyre. The emperor Ashoka (3rd century BC) is said to have redistributed some of the relics among the innumerable stupas he had erected. Such shrines became important and popular centres of pilgrimage.

      According to legend, seven bones (the four canine teeth, the two collarbones, and the frontal bone) were exempted from the primary distribution, and these have been the object of widespread devotion, with a number of shrines dedicated to them throughout Asia. Most famous of these sarira (“corporeal relics”) is the left canine tooth, honoured at the Temple of the Tooth at Kandy, Sri Lanka. Other shrines reportedly have housed certain personal possessions of the Buddha, such as his staff or alms bowl. The alms bowl (patra), particularly, is associated with a romantic tradition of wanderings and, in different historical periods, has been variously reported as located in Peshawar or in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). In addition, the bodily remains and personal effects of the great Buddhist saints and heroes are also venerated. In Tibetan Buddhism, worship is accorded the carefully preserved bodies of the deceased monk kings (the Dalai Lamas), who in their lifetimes are regarded as reincarnations of a heavenly being, the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.

      Because relics are regarded as the living presence of the Buddha, popular legends of miraculous powers have sprung up around the relics and the places in which they are deposited.

      In Hinduism, although images of divine beings have a major place in popular devotion, the veneration of relics as found in Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism is largely absent. This is probably a result of two facts: Hinduism has no historical founder, as do the other three religions, and it tends to regard the world of physical, historical existence as ultimately an illusion. Thus the mortal remains and earthly possessions of religious heroes or holy men are not generally regarded as having particular spiritual value.

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