- reblock
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
reblock — verb a) To block, prevent, or hamper again. Reputable dry cleaners can clean and reblock a hat. b) To remould (a hat) into its original shape … Wiktionary
reblock — v.t … Useful english dictionary
block — 1. noun /blɒk,blɑk/ a) A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance. A block of ice. b) A cuboid of wood, plastic or other material used as a base on which to cut something. A block of stone. Syn … Wiktionary
re|block — «ree BLOK», transitive verb. 1. to provide with new block or a new block. 2. to remold: »to reblock a hat … Useful english dictionary