
/ree ay"jin, -gin/, n. Immunol.
1. Also called Wassermann antibody. an antibody formed in response to syphilis and reactive with cardiolipin in various blood tests for the disease.
2. an antibody found in certain human allergies, as hay fever and asthma.
[1910-15; < G Reagin, equiv. to reag(ieren) to react + -in -IN2]

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also called  homocytotropic antibody , or  prausnitz-küstner antibody 

      type of antibody found in the serum and skin of allergically hypersensitive persons and in smaller amounts in the serum of normally sensitive persons. Most reaginic antibodies are the immunoglobulin E (IgE) fraction in the blood. Reagins are easily destroyed by heating, do not pass the placental barrier (i.e., an allergic mother cannot passively make her child allergic), and have a much longer life-span than other types of antibodies. Reaginic antibodies can be transferred passively to a second person; thus, blood transfusions from allergic donors have occasionally produced temporary identical allergies in the nonallergic recipient for a brief time. See also allergy; atopy.

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Universalium. 2010.

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