
/keesh/, n.
a pielike dish consisting of an unsweetened pastry shell filled with a custard and usually containing cheese and other ingredients, as vegetables, seafood, or ham: spinach quiche.
[1945-50; < F < G (dial.) Küche, dim. of Küchen CAKE]

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or K'iche or Kiche

Indian group of the Guatemalan highlands, largest of all ethnic groups speaking a Maya language.

The Quiché Maya had an advanced civilization in pre-Columbian times. Records of their history and mythology are preserved in the Popol Vuh. Traditional Quiché are agricultural. Their homes are thatched huts, and they practice weaving and pottery. Nominally Roman Catholic, they conduct traditional rituals as well. Many were killed or displaced during the Guatemalan military's counterinsurgency campaign of the early 1980s.

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also called  Quiché Maya,  

      Mayan Indians living in the midwestern highlands of Guatemala. The Quiché Maya had an advanced civilization in pre-Columbian times, with a high level of political and social organization. Archaeological remains show large population centres and a complex class structure. Written records of Quiché history and mythology are preserved in the Popol Vuh, written down in the Quiché language (using the Latin alphabet) shortly after conquest by the Spaniards in 1524.

      The modern Quiché number 700,000 speakers, the largest of all Mayan linguistic groups, though no sense of ethnic unity derives from this common language. Their language is closely related to Tzutujil and Cakchiquel (qq.v.), which are spoken by neighbouring peoples. They share an essentially uniform culture with the Tzutujil and Cakchiquel as well as with other peoples to the north. The Quiché and their neighbours are agricultural, practicing the hand-tilled farming of corn (maize), beans, and squash that is characteristic in Middle America. They also plant cash crops such as strawberries and peaches. Homes are thatched huts, maintained generally by each family on its own land. Weaving and pottery are widely practiced crafts, and clothing is often traditional.

      The people identify themselves with their community (municipio), oriented around a central village, which in this region often has no permanent inhabitants. Village officials are elected annually. Nominally Roman Catholic, the Quiché are organized into village cofradías, religious societies that maintain the church and organize fiestas for the local patron saints. Pagan myths and rituals are widely practiced, however, and the saints, the Virgin Mary, and the devil are often identified with Mayan divinities. See also Maya.

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