- Queensland
/kweenz"land', -leuhnd/, n.
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Bounded on the north by the Pacific Ocean and the Great Barrier Reef, it has an area of 668,210 sq mi (1,730,650 sq km); the capital is Brisbane. Its coastal region, the most tropical part of Australia, attracts many tourists. Inland from the Great Dividing Range, which runs the entire length of the state, mining and cattle ranching are important. Capt. James Cook charted the coast in 1770. In the 19th century the state housed several penal colonies and drew settlers to mine its gold. It became a constituent state in 1901 when the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed.* * *
IntroductionQueensland, flag of state of northeastern Australia, occupying the wettest and most tropical part of the continent. It is bounded to the north and east by the Coral Sea (an embayment of the southwestern Pacific Ocean), to the south by New South Wales, to the southwest by South Australia, and to the west by the Northern Territory. The capital is Brisbane, on the state's southeastern coast.Queensland, the second largest of Australia's states, occupies nearly one-fourth of the continent. The state is more than twice the size of the U.S. state of Texas and seven times larger than the United Kingdom. In terms of land occupancy, however, Queensland is indeed Australia's largest state, with an occupied area greater than that of the whole of Western Australia. It also is the most decentralized mainland state, with most of its people scattered along the eastern coastline over a distance of 1,400 miles (2,250 km). The rest of the population is dispersed thinly over almost all of the vast interior, posing severe access and communication challenges. With its large area and small population, Queensland's economy is essentially resource-based, its exports predominantly pastoral, agricultural, and mineral products.More than half of Queensland lies north of the Tropic of Capricorn, and the early Europeans there, unfamiliar with life in the tropics, experienced much adversity in their initial attempts to colonize the region. However, the climate, formerly a handicap, eventually became an advantage. In contemporary times Queensland—under the self-proclaimed title of the “Sunshine State”—has reaped the benefits of rapid growth in tourism, some attractions being sandy surfing beaches, verdant estuaries, picturesque islands, and the Great Barrier Reef, extending for 1,250 miles (2,000 km) off Queensland's Coral Sea coastline. The state also experienced rapid population growth through “sunbelt” migration to the more attractive coastal regions, although the population in the already sparsely populated interior continued to decline. Area 668,207 square miles (1,730,648 square km). Pop. (2001) 3,655,139; (2006) 3,904,532.LandRelief and drainageGlass House MountainsQueensland lies astride two major Australian landform zones: the Eastern Uplands and the Central Sedimentary Lowlands.The eastern third of the state is a complex zone of old, eroded highlands, with extensive exposures of granite and mineralized metamorphic rocks, occasionally capped by younger basalt flows, and with broad basins of even more-recent sedimentary rocks. The boldest topography lies close to the seaboard, with summits from 2,000 to 5,000 feet (600 to 1,500 metres). The uplands attract high rainfall, supplying short, steep perennial streams, and are flanked by narrow coastal valleys. Elsewhere east of the mountains are vast sedimentary basins, forming lowlands drained by such major intermittent streams as the Burdekin (Burdekin River), Fitzroy (Fitzroy River), Barron (Barron River), and Burnett (Burnett River) rivers. The coastline presents a variety of landscapes, including bold headlands, sandy beaches, lagoons, estuaries, wetlands, alluvial plains, occasional extensive vegetated dunelands, and a scattering of nearshore islands of great recreational value.In contrast to the variety of the coastal area is the seeming monotony of the vast inland plains, broken occasionally by low tablelands and ranges and drained by unreliable streams that are prone to extensive flooding. Gentle gradients contribute to wide, braided stream channels, most fully developed in the Channel Country of the far southwest. These plains are underlain by the recent, deep sediments of the Great Artesian Basin, which constitutes a reliable source of water for livestock. To the northwest of the basin are the stumps of ancient mineralized uplands, forming the Mount Isa block.SoilsMost soils are old and infertile, deficient in phosphorus and nitrogen. A lack of organic matter, particularly in arid and semiarid areas, accentuates the problem, and many soils have low capacity to absorb and retain moisture. In coastal areas the most fertile soils are of relatively recent alluvial or volcanic origin, while the gray-brown and black cracking clays of the central inland lowlands support extensive grasslands.ClimateLying between the low latitudes of 10° and 29° S, Queensland experiences tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. Summer temperatures are high, with average January maxima from 82 °F (28 °C) on the coast to 99 °F (37 °C) in the interior. Winters are mild and sunny, with July maxima from 68 °F (20 °C) in the south to 79 °F (26 °C) in the north. The interior experiences the most prolonged summer heat, while the southern interior and highlands have cooler winters, with a frost period of up to 100 days.Precipitation and humidity show a persistent decline from the coast to the interior. A narrow coastal zone receives 30 to 60 inches (750 to 1,525 mm) annually, declining to only 5 to 6 inches (125 to 150 mm) in the southwest. Particularly in the northern tropics, the rainfall is concentrated in a wet season extending through summer and early autumn. Southern Queensland receives sufficient winter rain to support winter cropping of wheat. A limited coastal zone in northern Queensland receives copious year-round rainfall from the prevailing southeast winds, with annual totals of up to 180 inches (4,575 mm). Rainfall is highly variable, with extremes of drought and flood and a high risk of damage from tropical cyclones (tropical cyclone) on the more northerly coasts.Plant and animal lifeQueensland has a highly varied flora and fauna. At one extreme are the tropical and subtropical rainforests, scattered in coastal and near-coastal valleys and ranges, with a remarkable diversity of plant and animal species; the northern rainforests collectively were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1988. However, coastal areas are covered mainly by open eucalyptus forest and sparse woodland, with much land cleared for agriculture. Farther inland are the low woodlands of various acacia species (including brigalow, mulga, and gidgee or gidyea), with grasslands on heavier soils. Tough, spiky, tussocky spinifex grass dominates the arid, sparsely vegetated interior.Because of its variety of habitats and its position in relation to migrations of species, Queensland has the greatest animal diversity of any state in the country. More than 70 species of marsupials—from the large red kangaroo to small marsupial mice, with a great variety of possums, including the cuscus—are found in Queensland. There are also dozens of species of bats and rodents, nearly 80 species of snakes, and more than 150 species of lizards, as well as saltwater and freshwater crocodiles. The hundreds of bird species include two large flightless birds, the emu of open country and the cassowary of the northern rainforests. Marine and freshwater fishes abound, including the colourful diversity of marine life on coral reefs and the unique freshwater lungfish. The Great Barrier Reef—the world's largest structure created by living organisms—was Queensland's first World Heritage site, designated in 1981; others named since then include Fraser Island (1992) off the southeastern coast and the fossil finds in Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park near the northern town of Riversleigh (Riversleigh fossils) (1994). The latter site is paired with a similar fossil site near Naracoorte, S.Aus.PeoplePopulation compositionOf the mainland Australian states, Queensland has one of the lowest proportions of persons born overseas, roughly one-sixth of the population in the early 21st century. Early post-World War II immigrants were more attracted to the larger southern cities, particularly where manufacturing employment was expanding rapidly. Especially since 1970, however, Queensland's population grew quickly, mainly under the impetus of interstate migration but also with overseas contributions, notably from Vietnam and New Zealand.The Vietnamese community, concentrated in Brisbane, is prominent in retail, food, and professional industries. New Zealanders have congregated south of Brisbane in Logan and in the Gold Coast region, both of which have struggled with high rates of unemployment in some areas.Some 3 percent of Queenslanders describe themselves as either Aborigines (Australian Aborigine) or Torres Strait Islanders. The majority of these people live in cities and towns, often as an underclass, struggling to maintain their cultural identity and economic well-being. Most of the remainder live in remote communities in the far north, where, locally, they are still in the majority.Settlement patternsQueensland's population density is low, averaging less than one person per square mile (about two per square kilometre). More than four-fifths of Queenslanders live in cities or urban areas concentrated along the coastal strip; nearly half reside in Brisbane, compared with the national average of roughly two-thirds of Australians living in the capital cities of the states. Constituting only a small fraction of the state's area, the southeast has more than three-fifths of the population. Its share has increased further by the rapid growth of the city of Gold Coast and the towns of the Sunshine Coast, based on tourism, retirement, and discretionary migration.Southeastern Queensland has a diversified rural economy, benefiting from its near-metropolitan location, with emphasis on dairying, poultry farming, and cattle raising; the growing of subtropical fruits, main-season and off-season vegetables, and sugarcane; and hobby farming. Farms there range in size from 50 to 1,000 acres (20 to 400 hectares). Extending northward along the narrow coastal zone is a succession of widely separate, intensively cropped sugarcane districts, with farms of 200 to 300 acres (80 to 120 hectares) linked by narrow-gauge railways to nearby crushing mills. The main districts are around Maryborough, Bundaberg, Mackay, and Ayr and in a long, narrow coastal strip through Ingham, Tully, Innisfail, and Cairns to Mossman. In contrast to the closely settled sugar lands, most of the near-coastal lands are only lightly occupied and are used mainly for extensive beef-cattle grazing.Inland from the narrow coastal strip is a broad zone of mixed cropping and grazing. Astride the southern border is an elevated granitic plateau, the only district with a cool temperate climate suited to pome and stone fruits and grapes. Adjacent to this zone is the Darling Downs, with heavy basaltic and alluvial soils supporting one of Australia's most productive agricultural regions; its specialties are wheat, sorghum, corn (maize), cotton, oilseeds, and cattle. Extending west and north is a subcoastal zone of agricultural transition. Formerly used for extensive cattle grazing, large areas have been cleared since the mid-20th century for summer and winter grain crops and improved pastures. The main focus has been on large-scale clearing of stands of the acacia species brigalow, which generally occupied the more fertile soils and which had defeated earlier efforts at clearing because of the tree's vigorous suckering capability.Over most of the interior there is insufficient moisture for cropping. The most productive grazing lands are the Mitchell grasslands on heavy clay soils in central Queensland, with family holdings of up to 40 square miles (100 square km) that can support 6,000 to 10,000 fine-wool Merino sheep. In the southern inland the low open mulga woodland, with light red earths, supports similar flock sizes on properties of 80 to 120 square miles (200 to 300 square km). Graziers have become overdependent on felling mulga as an edible browse capable of sustaining Merino sheep in all seasons. Persistent heavy grazing pressure has led, in some cases, to severe land degradation.The far west and north are remote zones of low potential, because of aridity in the southwest and because of highly seasonal rainfall and impoverished soils and grasslands in the north. The more-manageable grazing lands continue to be held by very large company-owned cattle stations, generally exceeding 2,000 square miles (5,200 square km) in area. These stations usually have more than 20,000 cattle and a workforce of 15 or so for most of the year; more than half of the workers are stockmen, who still camp out while mustering and yarding cattle at some distance from the self-contained homestead complex. Apart from a handful of tiny outpost settlements, mining centres, and Aboriginal townships, there are no towns.Because of its pattern of population dispersal, Queensland is the only Australian state with a clearly defined set of major provincial cities; this is reinforced by Brisbane's peripheral location in the southeastern corner of the state. The cities of Bundaberg, Rockhampton, Mackay, Townsville, and Cairns are separated by intervals averaging more than 200 miles (320 km). All of them act as regional pivots, and the larger cities are gateways to the far interior as well. The only major inland city, Toowoomba, also serves as a regional pivot and gateway to the Darling Downs and southern interior. Mount Isa, in the far northwest, is the largest inland town.In both rural and urban areas, increasing numbers of Queenslanders are residing in single-person households. The pattern has become more pronounced, and by the early 21st century some one-fifth of the population was living alone.Demographic trendsSince 1970 Queensland's rate of population growth has markedly exceeded the Australian average. Accelerated growth has been caused primarily by interstate migration, stimulated by a buoyant economy that has benefited from booms in mining, transport, tourism, and construction and further assisted by a strong element of discretionary migration attracted by the sunbelt image. While retirement migration is significant, in practice migrants are slightly younger than the Australian average. Intrastate, interstate, and overseas migration are all strongly focused on the major cities and the coastal resorts.The provincial cities continue to acquire new service functions and generally maintain rates of population growth above the national average. The most rapid growth has occurred in the main coastal resorts, scattered as far north as Cairns and Port Douglas, but there is a high concentration of developing resort areas in the southeast that offer not only accessibility to Brisbane and other cities but also fine beaches and surfing on the exposed coastline south of the Great Barrier Reef. Extending some 25 miles (40 km) along the shoreline, the city of Gold Coast grew in just a few decades from a scattering of small resort villages into a 21st-century city dominated by a beachside wall of high-rise buildings and flanked by an elaborate maze of waterfront canal estates. North of Brisbane, on the Sunshine Coast, the resort towns of Caloundra, Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, and Noosa have been merging into a similar urbanized coastal strip. Further growth has focused on Brisbane, which acts as a multipurpose metropolitan centre servicing the entire state.EconomyAlong with Western Australia and the Northern Territory, Queensland is commonly regarded as a resource-based frontier state with major emphasis on agricultural, mineral, and energy resources. This image was maintained during the booms of the 1970s and '80s, based largely on the expansion of coal mining and tourism. At the same time, population growth and urbanization beginning at the end of the 20th century acted as stimuli to a rapid expansion in investment and employment in a wide array of service activities.AgricultureMost of the state's land is used for extensive cropping and grazing systems, requiring large areas and little labour and relying on economies of scale to remain competitive in world markets. More than one-third of all holdings specialize in extensive livestock grazing, mainly for beef cattle but with some fine-wool sheep. Those grazing holdings encompass the vast majority of the state's rural lands. A smaller yet significant segment of holdings engage in intensive livestock activities, mainly dairying and raising pigs, and are concentrated in the southeast, which is climatically more favourable and close to main markets. The Australian Tropical Dairy Institute provides research toward extending dairying beyond the temperate zones.The most successful cropping systems are large-scale and highly mechanized. A substantial portion of the holdings is used mainly for grain production, often with a livestock sideline. An increasingly significant segment specializes in sugarcane production in intensive monocultural agricultural regions close to crushing mills. The main agricultural exports are beef, sugar, wheat, and wool. Queensland also produces a large portion of the country's cotton and is a major supplier of tropical fruits and winter vegetables to the southern states and Asia. Agriculture continues to be a leading contributor to the state economy, accounting for more than one-third of the value of Queensland's overseas exports and roughly one-fifth of Queensland's rural exports. Commercial fisheries produce for both the Australian and Asian markets.Because of the irregularity, seasonality, and low volume of surface water, particularly in inland areas where water is most needed, irrigation in Queensland is confined to a series of small schemes, and prospects for expansion are limited. Extensive irrigation is used in cotton farming, however. The highly valued stores of artesian water from deep bores are used mainly for livestock and some urban supplies, being limited both in quantity and quality.Forestry resources are confined to higher-rainfall coastal areas. However, the prime timber stands were rapidly cleared during the initial wave of pioneer settlement; the limited stands that remain are confined to poorer soils and steeper slopes. Much of this remaining forestland has been set aside in national parks. Although much of Queensland's timber now comes from plantations of introduced pine trees and from imports, forestry-based activities still constitute an important component of the state economy.Resources and powerThe state has a diversity of major mineral resources. As elsewhere in Australia, gold mining dominated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Major discoveries at Gympie, Mount Morgan, Ravenswood, Charters Towers, and Croydon stimulated population growth and investment in infrastructure, providing foundations for subsequent regional development. Earlier gold booms, however, were overshadowed by the spectacular mineral boom of the late 20th century, with coal mining leading the way. There are also copper-lead-zinc and bauxite mines of world significance and a considerable variety of other minerals.While mining employs a tiny fraction of the workforce and contributes only a small proportion of the state's gross domestic product, its significance to the economy is enhanced by its substantial links to transport, processing, and other related industries, by its high share of total exports, and by its contribution to decentralization. By value, more than half of mining output is provided by coal (coal mining), almost entirely produced from mammoth, low-cost open-cut operations in the Bowen Basin of central Queensland. The basin yields high-grade steaming and coking coals, which are transported by electric railways to specialized ports. Australia is the world's largest coal exporter, with more than half being supplied by Queensland. The value of coal production dwarfs that of other hydrocarbons. The state's petroleum and natural gas reserves, piped from the southern interior to the coast, cannot fully satisfy its needs. Other world-scale mining operations are the copper-lead-zinc-silver mine at Mount Isa and the bauxite quarries at Weipa, located, respectively, in the remote northwest and north. Mineral sands, magnesite, cadmium, cobalt, tantalite, and tin are also exported, as are precious and semiprecious gemstones (sapphires, opals, and chrysoprase). The Wik court case (1996) on Aboriginal land rights, which was heard in the federal High Court, essentially guaranteed the integrity of native title in the face of commercial interests and consequently limited the number of new exploration licenses issued.ManufacturingQueensland lags behind the southern states in manufacturing, providing only a modest proportion of national added value. There is a strong emphasis on first-stage processing of the state's wealth of raw materials. Such facilities include the enormous alumina refinery at Gladstone and an aluminum smelter nearby at Boyne Island, copper and nickel refineries near Townsville, thermal power-generating plants, meatworks, canneries, timber-processing mills, and many large sugarcane-crushing mills. These are decentralized industries, whereas the other large industrial sector—namely, market-oriented manufacturing of a wide array of consumer products—is highly concentrated in the Brisbane region. In the early 21st century the state government inaugurated a plan to promote the information technology and biotechnology industries.ServicesQueensland has continued to follow a national trend of shifting from a goods- to a services-based economy. The service sector (excluding wholesale and retail trade) represents some three-fifths of the state's economic output and employs more than half of the workforce. Health services and education are among the sector's top employers. Tourism has been expanding rapidly, largely in response to the state's promotion of its surfing beaches, reefs, and other natural attractions. By the early 21st century, tourism had become a significant contributor to the state economy and an important source of employment, surpassing agriculture in both capacities.TransportationDistance has always been a challenge in Queensland, and transportation constitutes a major sector in the economy. The state developed as a series of far-flung ports, each tapping its own hinterland. The long coastal corridor is still pivotal to the state's economy, but, except for bulk freight, shipping has been displaced by road, rail, and air services. Brisbane is the main general-purpose port, followed by Townsville. Gladstone, Hay Point, and Abbot Point export large volumes of coal, Weipa exports bauxite, and Gladstone receives bauxite and exports alumina, aluminum, and grain.Railways are important mainly as bulk carriers of coal and other minerals, grain, and livestock; as the road network was upgraded, road transport displaced rail as the carrier of other freight and passengers. Multilane freeways and dual-carriage roads (divided highways) are confined to the main links from Brisbane to the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, and Toowoomba. Air transport is also of major importance, serving main routes as well as remote outposts. The main international airports are located at Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Cairns.Government and societyConstitutional frameworkQueensland is a constituent state of a constitutional monarchy, and its government is based on the British Westminster parliamentary system. It consists of a governor (the British monarch's appointed representative) and Executive Council (comprising a cabinet and the governor), the Legislative Assembly, and the judiciary. The governor is entrenched in Queensland's constitutional framework, under the Constitution (Office of Governor) Act (1987). Although judges are appointed by the government of the day, the tradition of an independent judiciary is embedded in the constitution.Queensland is unique among Australian states in having a unicameral legislature; its second chamber, the Legislative Council, voted itself out of existence in 1922. The Legislative Assembly consists of several dozen members, who serve three-year terms. Members are elected using the optional preferential system. Voting is compulsory for all persons at least 18 years of age.The state was previously noteworthy for the rarity of change in the governing party, with the Australian Labor Party ruling almost continuously from 1915 to 1957 (the only exception was between 1929 and 1932). The National Party (known as the Country Party before 1974), mostly in coalition with the Liberal Party (Liberal Party of Australia), held office until 1989. However, since then control of the government alternated more frequently between the two main parties, each of which has had to rely on the support of independents.Local government is administered under the Local Government Act (1993) and is concerned with operating public utilities such as water supply and sanitation and maintaining public parks and libraries. In some cases, it also provides electricity and operates public transport. In the early 21st century there were dozens of local government units, including shires, towns, and cities. In 2007 controversial legislation was enacted to amalgamate many shire councils, although most of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander councils, as well as the Aurukun shire councils—all of which operated under laws enacted in 1976 and 1984 regarding local governance in indigenous areas—were not amalgamated.The judiciary and police are both administered by the state government. There is a Supreme Court as well as district, magistrate's, and children's courts. These courts try both civil and criminal cases. The Industrial Court hears cases involving disputes between employers and employees, while the Anti-Discrimination Commission deals with matters of discrimination in the areas of ethnicity, gender, disability, and marital status. The Environmental Protection Agency strives to ensure the proper management of the cultural as well as natural environment.Health and welfareQueensland has overcome its 19th-century reputation for poor health conditions. No longer are its life expectancy levels appreciably lower, and its morbidity rates higher, than Australian norms. Tropical diseases have been eradicated, and both preventive and remedial treatment are at the high levels that prevail throughout Australia. That the state has one of the world's highest rates of skin cancer is indicative of an outdoor lifestyle in tropical and subtropical climates rather than of any deficiency in health services. Excellent facilities, notably the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane, conduct world-class research. Hospital and medical services are comprehensive and are dispersed as widely as possible in the rural areas. The most remote regions are served by the Royal Flying Doctor Service and by aerial ambulances. The remaining challenge is to improve the poor health, hygiene, and housing conditions that exist in many Aboriginal communities.EducationQueensland provides free secular public education in state schools, with compulsory attendance between ages 6 and 15; noncompulsory preparatory schooling is also offered by the state for children ages 4 to 5. About three-tenths of the children attend private schools, mainly operated by the Roman Catholic and other churches. The Queensland Catholic Education Commission controls curricula in parochial schools. Private schools receive some financial support from both state and federal governments. The state is also responsible for specialist workforce training programs through its system of Technical and Further Education.Although established under state parliamentary acts, institutions of higher education in Queensland are funded primarily by the federal government, which has used its financial powers to influence major structural changes, abolishing the distinction between universities and colleges of advanced education and promoting a series of amalgamations. As a result, there are four universities in Brisbane (University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, and Australian Catholic University) and one each in Toowoomba (University of Southern Queensland), the Sunshine Coast (University of the Sunshine Coast), Rockhampton (Central Queensland University), and Townsville (James Cook University). Some of these institutions have satellite campuses in other cities in the state; others have branches elsewhere in Australia and abroad. The country's first private university, Bond University, in Gold Coast, was founded in 1987.Because many students live in remote areas, Queensland must provide comprehensive services in long-distance education. The most striking innovations have been in primary schooling, including correspondence lessons, the School of the Air (which broadcasts over the radio), teleconferencing, television relays, video packages, Web-based instruction, scheduled itinerant teachers, mobile specialist units, remedial teaching, the Virtual Schooling Service, and regular field camps.Cultural lifeQueensland culture is Australian culture writ large. With the highest proportion of Australian-born residents and hence the least influence from recently arrived ethnic groups, and with an emphasis on outdoor living, sports, and recreation, Queenslanders most clearly epitomize the image of the outdoor Australian. Radio, television, newspapers, and magazines are readily disseminated even to the most remote areas and are melding all Queenslanders into an urban-oriented lifestyle that is a blend of Australian and international—mainly American—influences.This “outdoor” image notwithstanding, the arts have grown and flourished in cities, towns, and rural areas. A high proportion of Australia's leading novelists, dramatists, poets, painters, and musicians were either born in Queensland or lived there for extended periods. Novelist David Malouf (Malouf, David), for instance, won the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award in 1996 for Remembering Babylon (1993) and the Commonwealth Writers' Prize in 1991 for The Great World (1990). The painter Ian Fairweather is internationally recognized in the field of the visual arts.Active drama, music, art, and dance groups are found in Queensland's cities and towns, while regular tours by orchestras and theatre and dance companies include many regional centres. Brisbane is the centre for most arts ensembles and organizations, including major institutions such as the Queensland Ballet, Opera Queensland, and the Queensland Orchestra. The capital city is also host to numerous smaller groups such as Flying Arts and Kooemba Jdarra, which raise awareness of artistic and cultural diversity through performances across the state. The Queensland Conservatorium, at Griffith University, provides music training and performances of high quality. The Queensland Youth Orchestra has gained an outstanding reputation from its international tours. Remote areas are served by itinerant music, art, and ballet teachers.Brisbane is the dominant cultural centre, with the pivot being the Queensland Cultural Centre, located on a riverside site overlooking the city. It contains auditoriums for musical, dramatic, and ballet performances, as well as the Queensland Art Gallery, Museum, and State Library, which includes the John Oxley Library of Queensland housing material related to the state's history and development. The Queensland Museum maintains several regional centres, including the Museum of Tropical Queensland in Townsville. Other specialized museums include the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame and Outback Heritage Centre in Longreach and the Australian Workers' Heritage Centre in Barcaldine.With its benign, sunny climate, Queensland offers ample opportunities for active outdoor recreation. There is a strong emphasis on aquatic sports, notably sailing, surfing, and waterskiing. Recreational amenity acts as a powerful draw toward the near-coastal residential locations. Conservationists, recreationists, and the tourist industry have joined forces to ensure the preservation of near-pristine islands, shorelines, estuaries, and forested ranges in national parks. These prime areas have also come under pressure, however, from the expansion of resort towns and from the proliferation of highly capitalized, self-contained private resorts seeking to attract domestic and overseas tourists. The reconciliation of demands for conservation, private recreation, and commercial tourism in seeking optimal use of the state's highly attractive coastline poses a continuing challenge to Queenslanders.John H. Holmes Kay SaundersHistoryEarly exploration and settlementDuring the period of initial European exploration of Australia and the region of present-day Queensland, some 250,000 Aborigines (Australian Aborigine) inhabited the area, it has been estimated. They were either fishing people, living along the coast where food was plentiful, or mountain people, occupying the central and western areas where survival was more difficult. While the Talgai skull, discovered in 1884 and estimated to be between 9,000 and 11,000 years old, attests to early human habitation of Queensland, Aboriginal peoples have probably been in the area for 50,000 years.By 1606 both Dutch explorers and the Spanish explorer Luis de Torres had found Cape York Peninsula, but it was 1770 before the British naval captain James Cook (Cook, James) charted the east coast of Australia and noted signs that a great river might empty into Moreton Bay (in the southeastern corner of what is now Queensland). Cook named and charted many capes, bays, and islands along the coast, landing on the shore of what is now Queensland nine times. The English navigator Matthew Flinders (Flinders, Matthew) explored and charted Moreton Bay, refuting Cook's claim that a great river might empty into it. In 1823 John Oxley (Oxley, John) also explored Moreton Bay, where he met three castaway sailors who showed him a river that he named the Brisbane (Brisbane River). He chose its vicinity for a new and stricter penal settlement remote from Sydney. The following year Lieut. Henry Miller, accompanied by Allan Cunningham, set out from Britain with 30 convicts and their guards to establish a penal settlement on the site recommended by Oxley. After six months at the site, the settlement was abandoned and reestablished at the site of present-day Brisbane in February 1825. In the next few years exploration of the region continued as Capt. Patrick Logan and Edmund Lockyer explored the hinterland of the penal settlement, discovering coal and limestone deposits in the process. In 1827 Cunningham was the first European to explore the Darling Downs region west of the Great Dividing Range.The penal (penal colony) settlementThe Moreton Bay Penal Settlement arose in response to the government-commissioned reports of J.T. Bigge, which advocated severe punishment as central to the penal system. Within the Moreton Bay area, a penal settlement for colonial recidivists was founded at Brisbane, followed by other penal establishments at Ipswich and on Stradbroke Island. Accounts of life in the penal settlements describe harsh treatment of the convicts, particularly those confined to chain-gang duty. Colonization of the Moreton Bay region was strictly forbidden because the more dangerous convicts were housed in that area. The number of convicts varied from the initial 30 to more than 1,100 (including 30 females) in 1833. In 1840 the penal settlement was abolished, at which time the convict population numbered about 100.Free settlement and separation from New South WalesAllan Cunningham's exploration of the Darling Downs pointed the way toward more flourishing settlement, which had already begun overland from the south from 1840 after the penal colony had been abolished. The early squatters were followed in 1842 by the first free settlers, and sales of land took place. The main hindrances then became the remoteness of the Moreton Bay district, the lack of understanding of the region in Sydney, and the consequent small number of settlers—no more than 2,000 in the mid-1840s. In 1840 pioneer rancher Patrick Leslie ventured on the downs at Warwick with sheep, and the first crop farmers, apart from some Moravian missionaries at Nundah in the penal days, were brought by John Dunmore Lang (Lang, John Dunmore) in the Fortitude in 1849. It was therefore mid-century before immigrant ships from Britain sailed directly to Brisbane. Nevertheless, political separation from New South Wales was achieved in 1859, and the colony of Queensland was proclaimed. At that time the European population numbered only 23,520, and no industry had yet been established, although gold had been discovered in 1858.Coal was found at Ipswich as early as 1827, and the first mine opened in 1846, but it was a gold rush that really inaugurated the mining industry. From 1858 to 1873 the east and north of the colony were invaded and opened up by diggers at Canoona, Peak Downs, Gympie, Ravenswood, Charters Towers, and Palmer River. Within a few months, isolated spots in the bush became townships of 10,000 people. Some of the beginnings of the later anti-immigration White Australia (White Australia Policy) policy may be seen in the discriminatory acts of the British Parliament at that time against Chinese and other Asian miners and speculators. By 1867 the European population of the state had grown to 100,000. Even where the gold failed, as at Canoona, a town such as Rockhampton could rise from the ruins. It was near Rockhampton that Mount Morgan, a mountain of gold and copper, was discovered in 1882.In the 1860s westward migration was rapid wherever there was water, and the movement was encouraged in 1869 by an act of Parliament that granted 21-year leases to those who had 25 sheep or 5 cattle to the square mile. Many of the early pastoralists failed. Wool had to be transported in drays by long trains of bullocks, and markets were far away and uncertain.By 1873, however, Victorian-era prosperity (in gold) began to be invested in Queensland. The first railways, from Ipswich to Dalby and Warwick, were operating by 1870. The European population of Queensland was more than 200,000 in 1880, with the largest cities being Brisbane, Townsville, Toowoomba, Mackay, and Rockhampton. Pastoral industry spread across the Darling Downs in the 1860s and '70s. By 1880 the colony had some three million cattle and seven million sheep. Sugar and cotton production, established in the 1860s, increased.There was, however, strife between the early crop farmers and the graziers who had come before them. Hewing out their farms by clearing the bush, attempting crops where none had ever been cultivated, the farmers won the contemptuous name of “cockatoo farmers,” or, more neutrally, “selectors.” Over time they advanced from corn (maize) and pumpkins to alfalfa (lucerne) and sorghum; their livestock increased; and the plow, reaper, and farmhouse replaced the hoe, scythe and sickle, and bark hut. Through a succession of land acquisition acts, the government had recovered much pastoral land for the arable farmers by 1900, and by the mid-20th century land that had originally belonged to graziers had become renowned for wheat, sugarcane, and bacon.Also contributing to the disappearance of the graziers were the years of severe drought and economic depression between 1890 and 1902, as well as an onslaught of the cattle tick from northern Queensland in 1894. Both events decimated flocks and herds. An industry that had been stimulated by the advent of refrigeration and that had made its mark on Australian life in the tradition of droving over huge distances saw its cattle population halved by the start of the 20th century.Dairying did not flourish until the 20th century, when there were sufficiently populous towns to give it encouragement. Until 1888 Queensland imported much of its butter from the south, but by 1895 it had become self-sufficient in dairy products.Between 1863 and 1904 Queensland was involved in the dispute over the employment of South Sea islanders (Kanakas (Kanaka)) as cheap labour. The recruiting of Kanakas, sometimes against their will, began with the introduction of cotton cultivation during the American Civil War (1861–65). When importation of Pacific Islanders was banned in the early 1890s—an act that was rescinded in the face of an economic crisis later in the decade—the issue of cheap labour became a political struggle between the liberals and conservatives. Toward the end of the 19th century, the proliferation of small farms and a government-subsidized central mill system shifted sugar production away from the plantation model that relied on indentured labourers. This development strengthened the case against importing Kanakas. In 1901 Australia's new federal government officially ended the importation of labourers in the White Australia policy, and from 1904 to 1908 more than 7,000 islanders were forcibly deported.The Kanaka problem influenced the movement demanding the segregation of white from Aboriginal communities, particularly in central and northern Queensland (the region of sugarcane and goldfields). Whereas the sugar planters wanted separation, the miners did not, fearing that the planters would impose a policy of continued importation of cheap non-European labour. Queensland had a rapacious frontier in the 19th century, which led to the establishment of the Native Mounted Police in 1848. This force, along with private settlers, was responsible for killing thousands of indigenous people. In 1897 provision was made to forcibly remove Aborigines to government reserves, thereby instituting a de facto segregation system. The reserves remained under strict government control until they were handed over to the Aboriginal councils in 1985.Toward the end of the 19th century, the increase in population, the advance of social legislation in Europe, the socialist idealism of William Lane, and the economic depression of the 1890s encouraged the growth of trade unionism and led to the emergence of an Australian Labor Party (ALP) with well-defined policies. The most notable event in Queensland during that period was the shearers' strike in 1891, which erupted over unsatisfactory working conditions and the refusal of union shearers to work together with nonunion members. The strike was broken when the army was deployed, but subsequent legislation providing for shorter working hours, improved working conditions, and the encouragement of the smaller settler showed clearly the trend of the times. Intense industrial conflict continued, however, and erupted into a general strike in 1912. Queensland had the first Labor government in the world—for six days in December 1899—and the party rapidly became so strong that it remained in office almost continuously from 1915 to 1957 (a Country-National (National Party)ist government was in office from May 1929 to June 1932).In the 20th century, improved farming methods, irrigation, insecticides, communications, and new markets at home and in Japan greatly strengthened primary production. In 1923 vast silver-lead-zinc deposits were discovered at Mount Isa, and in 1969 more large reserves were found. Uranium was discovered and mined at Mary Kathleen from 1950 to 1963, and bauxite was found in great quantities at Weipa. In the 1960s the Moonie oil field, the natural gas field at Roma (piped to Brisbane), the open-cut coal deposits at Blackwater, and the huge mining port of Gladstone were developed.Federation and the state of QueenslandQueensland entered the new Commonwealth of Australia with the lowest voter endorsement (55 percent) of the proposed union of the six colonies. Southern Queensland vehemently opposed federation, fearing economic decline of its industries. The overwhelming enthusiasm of the working-class miners and shearers in the northern regions ensured success. On Jan. 1, 1901, the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed, creating the state of Queensland. The census of that year recorded 498,129 inhabitants, excluding Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.In 1905 white women gained the right to vote, and plural voting (a system by which certain citizens were permitted to cast more than one vote) was abolished; compulsory voting was first enacted in Queensland in 1914, followed by the other states. In 1922, at the instigation of the ruling Labor government, the Legislative Council (upper house of the bicameral parliament) was abolished, leaving only the Legislative Assembly. Three years later Greater Brisbane was established as the largest municipal council in Australia, with a council elected by a full white adult electorate.A radical Labor government (1915–19) led by the barrister Thomas Joseph (T.J.) Ryan brought state enterprises into competition with the private sector. The subsequent government led by the trade unionist Edward Granville (“Red Ted”) Theodore (1919–25) attempted unsuccessfully to establish heavy industry by promoting a state-owned smelter at Bowen. Later Labor administrations—under William McCormack (1925–29), William Forgan Smith (1932–42), Frank Cooper (1942–46), Ned Hanlon (1946–52), and Vincent Gair (1952–57)—were increasingly conservative and cautious.The Labor government was replaced by a Country-Nationalist Party government in 1929, which came to power amid the rising unemployment, falling incomes, and social distress of the early years of the Great Depression. During its tenure, the Country-Nationalists abolished state trading and established the Bureau of Economics. In 1929 Irene Longman became the first woman to be elected to the Queensland Parliament. The government was unable to stem the tide of the depression and was replaced by the Labor Party, which attempted to stimulate the economy through large capital improvement projects. Several substantial projects were undertaken, such as construction of the Story Bridge over the Brisbane River in Brisbane, the Somerset Dam on the Stanley River, a tributary of the Brisbane, and the University of Queensland at St. Lucia. The worst of the depression was ending by 1934, and many social services suspended during the bad economic times were reinstituted. However, Queensland had not fully recovered when it became actively involved in World War II early in 1942. In July 1942 Gen. Douglas MacArthur (MacArthur, Douglas), commander of the Allied forces in the Pacific, set up his headquarters in Brisbane. Hundreds of thousands of service personnel passed through the state on the way to the Pacific war zone, providing a sustained boon to the economy. After the war the government continued to improve public works and social services, inaugurating large-scale irrigation and hydroelectric projects such as the Burdekin River and Tully Falls schemes and introducing free hospital service in 1946.In 1957 Labor, split by a schism that produced the Australian Democratic Labor Party, was ousted by a coalition of the Country (National Party) and Liberal (Liberal Party of Australia) parties, which remained in power until 1988 (in 1974 the Country Party changed its name to the National Party). A six-year period of one-party rule by the National Party lasted from 1983 to 1989. During that time political influence in the police, judiciary, and electoral system became controversial, leading to an independent, wide-ranging inquiry. Reforms adopted include the creation of the independent and powerful Criminal Justice Commission and the Electoral and Administrative Review Commission.Rule by the National Party ended with the Labor Party's comprehensive victory in 1989 under Wayne Goss. Goss led an effort to reform the public service and made police and politicians more publicly accountable. A period of political uncertainty ensued in 1995, when an apparent Labor victory in July was reversed by the courts, and a National-Liberal coalition took office in early 1996. Labor returned to power in 1998 under Peter Beattie amid considerable voter discontent and alienation, but politics soon returned to its more usual contours. In the early 21st century the Labor government strove to redress Queensland's continued reliance on primary production through a commitment to high-technology industries such as biotechnology and information technology, as well as filmmaking and music production. All of this development was located in the state's southeastern corner. Beattie resigned in 2007 and was succeeded in office by Queensland's first female premier, Anna Bligh.Since the late 20th century, Queensland has been at the centre of major legal and social change in the country. A decision of the federal High Court in 1992 on native land title in the Torres Strait Islands (popularly called the Mabo case) overturned the previous concept of terra nullius (Latin: “the land of no one”), which had deprived the indigenous peoples of their customary property rights. The Wik case of 1996, involving Aboriginal claims, also heard in the High Court, ruled that native title could coexist with pastoral leases. As land is administered under the federal constitution by state governments, a series of Native Title Tribunals have been established to reconcile property rights between indigenous peoples and other interested parties, especially mining companies and white graziers.Richard Harold Greenwood Ross Fitzgerald Kay SaundersAdditional ReadingA comprehensive introduction to physical and human geography is J.H. Holmes (ed.), Queensland: A Geographical Interpretation (1986). Accounts of the tropical north are provided in P.P. Courtenay, Northern Australia (1982); and accounts of the inland are in Adrian C.B. Allen, Interior Queensland (1972). Raphael Cilento, Triumph in the Tropics (1959), provides valuable insights into environmental influences in European settlement. The Queensland Year Book is a valuable source of current information. Stanley Breeden and Kay Breeden, Tropical Queensland (1970, reissued 1982), describes the flora, fauna, and landscape.Historical works include Raymond Evans, A History of Queensland (2007); Ross Fitzgerald, From the Dreaming to 1915 (1982), and From 1915 to the Early 1980s (1984), which also have been published as A History of Queensland, 2 vol. (1986–88); W. Ross Johnston, The Call of the Land: A History of Queensland to the Present Day (1982); and A.C.V. Melbourne, Early Constitutional Development in Australia: New South Wales 1788–1856, Queensland 1859–1922, 2nd ed. (1963, reissued 1972); as well as Bill Thorpe, Colonial Queensland: Perspectives on a Frontier Society (1996).Kay Saunders* * *
Universalium. 2010.